The plan.

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Pidge's pov:

I woke up hearing Keith and Lance fighting. Ugh not again I thought as I got out of bed and went to my door. I looked out my room and seen Lance and Keith screaming at each other. "What are y'all fighting about now?" I asked. Keith looked at me and said " He took my knife. I know it was him because no one else would touch them. " I sighed and said "Go talk to Shiro Keith and Lance come here please." Keith went to talk to Shiro and Lance came to talk to me. "Lance did you take his knife?" I asked once we got into my room. " No I didn't touch his knife. " "Ok well go to Shiro and tell him I need him to come see me." I pushed him out of my room and shut the door.

Keith's pov:

I woke up and seen that one of my knifes where missing so the first thing that popes in my head was that Lance took it. So I ran to Lance's room and started to pound on the door. "Hold on!" I heard Lance say. The door opened and Lance was dressed in his normal clothes but there was something on his arm. I didn't care though so I just said "Where is my knife I know you took it." He looked at me and said " I don't have your knife now please leave me alone. " I was taken back a little because that wasn't the Lance i knew but I didn't mind it I just thought that he might just be sleepy. "Lance I know you have it." I screamed. He walked of and I followed him still screaming at him. Finally Pidge came out his room and told me to go to Shiro and Lance to talk to her. I walked to Shiro's room and knocked on the door. Shir o opened the door and said "Yes Keith?" I sighed and said " Pidge sent me to talk to you. About Lance. " "Ugh what did y'all do this time?" " Lance took my knife and keeps saying he didn't take it so we got into a fight. " "Ok why don't you cheek in your room and the training room then come back to me and tell me if you found it or not." Be for I left Lance came walking up to Shir o and said " Pidg e told me to come tell you that she needed to talk to you. " Then Lance looked down and said "I'm gonna go to the training room please make sure No one comes into there please." Shir o sighed and said " Well Keith is going to look for his knife but after that you have the room all to your self in till it's the whole team training. " "Ok I'll wait till after Keith does that." Then Lance walked of.

Pidge's pov:

After Lance get I called Hunk to come to my room then a few seconds later Shiro came into my room. Shiro smiled and said "What did you need to talk about Pidge." I looked up and said " So everyone here is most likely getting mad or it's getting on their nerves how many times Keith and Lance fight. So I came up with a plan to get them to work together and fight less. " "Ok so what's the plan?" Shiro asked. " The plan is.....
That's the end



Are is it y'all

No no it's no

"The plan is that we handcuff them together and lock them in a room and only let them out to eat and train then they will have to get along are they will never be able to be uncuffed but if they don't work together by a week then we will have to do something else." Shiro thought about it for awhile and said " Yea that sounds good. Let's do that. " We all got everything together then we discussed what room to lock them in. We finally came to the conclusion to lock them in Lances room since that was the biggest room out of both of their rooms. Shiro desided  that we will tell them at diner.
(Time skip.)
After dinner be for Lance and Keith could move Shiro told them to wait. He turned to me and said "Tell them the conclusion we came to." I told the boys but be for they could run Shiro already had Keith in one handcuff and I had Lance in the other. I looked at Keith and said " We are all tired of y'alls fighting so we came up with the idea of this. " Keith grumbled and said "I don't start the fights Lance does." Shiro sighed and said "Yea Lance may start the fight but you still get into the fight and you could just walk away." Lance was silent the whole time. I looked at him and said " Lance are you gonna say something. " Lance looked up and smiled and said "Why do I have to be handcuffed to him." Then he wined and said " How will we use it and take showers and stuff like that if we are hand cuffed? " "Oh easy the cuffs can separate a little where one of you can be in the bathroom and the other outside the door a little." Shiro sighed and said " Ok so y'all are going to be locked in Lances room and Keith since your the mature one you will be the one to call us if anything goes wrong. Lance don't start any fights since you are the one that starts most of the fights. " They all walked to Lances room and pushed the boys inside and Lance fell on Keith. So Keith pushed him of and said "Get of me Ugly." After that I locked the door from the outside and we left. " I hope this works" I mumbled. "It will probly knowing Lance they will be fighting in a few minutes." Shiro said.

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