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You'd heard of the mysterious and beautiful Veronica Lodge from word of mouth going around town. Everyone knew what her father had done and why they were moving back to Riverdale but you weren't interested much in gossip.

Funnily enough, you first met Veronica while Betty was giving her the welcoming committee tour. Betty was giving Veronica the full history of every building on campus. Veronica, as expected, looked bored out of her mind.

You walked up to them. "Hey Betty," you said as you hugged her.

Betty hugged you back. "Hey (y/n), it's good to see you. How was your summer?"

You shrugged as you pulled away from her. "It was alright, I mean I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get to build more houses and schools for the communities but-"

"You built houses?" Veronica interjected.

You turned to her, smiling. "Veronica Lodge I presume?" You stretched out your hand.

She shook it. "Yes."

Betty turned to Veronica. "(y/n) spent the whole summer building schools and houses for communities in Ecuador."

Veronica's brows shot up. "Wow, so you're like Mother Theresa?"

You laughed. "No, not really, it's part of my youth advocacy group. We always need more members if you're interested."

Veronica smiled politely. "I don't really do jungles sorry."

You sighed. "That's a shame, I'm sure if anyone could pull of the jungle look it'd be you."

Veronica and Betty laughed. You touched Betty's arm. "Well, I should get to Physics. Bye Betty," you said and turned to Veronica, "It was nice meeting you Veronica."

Veronica nodded. "Pleasure was mine."

You walked off to class. Veronica leaned in close to Betty. "Okay, so you have to tell me everything about the hottie with a heart of gold."

Betty furrowed her brows. "(y/n)?"

Veronica sighed. "Duh, so what's her deal, is she into girls?"

A knowing look flashed across Betty's features, she understood. "Yes, she is very much into girls. Are you interested in (y/n)?"

Veronica leaned away and started to walk down the hall. "I don't know...I just got here but (y/n) certainly is cute."

Betty, giddy about the possibility of setting you two up, clapped her hands. "Yay! Okay, we totally have to get you two to hang out."

Veronica sighed. "Betty I think I can ask a girl out on my own."

Betty pouted. "Come on Veronica, it'll be fun."

Veronica stared at Betty, finally giving in to her puppy dog eyes. "Fine!"


Veronica, Betty, and Archie arrived at the dance. Betty looked around the room. Archie furrowed his brows. "Are you looking for someone?"

Betty nodded. "Yes, (y/n)."

Archie shook his head softly. "But (y/n) hates school dances."

Betty turned to Veronica and Archie. "Tonight she has one really good reason for coming out."

Veronica turned to Archie. "It's me."

Archie smiled. "I hope you two know what you're doing."

Betty playfully hit Archie's arm. "Of course I do! Now go see if you can find (y/n)."

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