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Hey Guys, while I'm working on Chapter 13, I just really wanted to know something and tell y'all something.

Y'all know how I'm making a new book and all well I would really like it if you would check it out. I mean I'm trying to get a lot of people to notice it. Its called 'Im about to be a gang leader'

And another thing is that should I change the characters? The only characters that could be changed is Rose, Theo, or Nicolas.

So if you want me to change the characters comment wich one is good  to change them in.

And whoever is reading this and if y'all have a book that our making, comment what it's called so I can check it out.

And comment if I should change the cover for this book.

See you later and Chapter 13 will be done by tommrow or today.

~Aspen ♡

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