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Chapter 2: Adjusting
Hi thanks for carrying on to chapter 2 I will do a little Q&A at the bottom so u can get to know me if u care ahah

The first thing I noticed was the increasing crescendo of the sea gulls outside my window, something I was definitely not used to.

I guess I won't be needing an alarm clock anymore...

I reached out for my phone beside my bed, recently I have realised how this has become an automatic reflex for me, I reminded myself for the thousandth time to try break this habit.

Aimlessly, I scrolled through my Instagram feed, my finger rapidly double tapping at pictures of people I don't know.
Subconsciously I knew I was comparing myself to the hundreds of models and celebrities over crowding my feed.

I didn't want to admit it to myself but it was the truth.

My finger stopped scrolling when I saw a picture of my friends from my old school laughing and posing for a selfie. Sadness overwhelmed me, I tried to suppress it but the emotions were bubbling and ready to over flow. I clicked onto my following list and as each tear stoked my cheek I unfollowed more and more people that I had to leave behind.

It was easier that way, let them go and start again.
They wouldn't understand but this had to happen.
All those promises to keep in touch were now shattered and destroyed.

I got out of my bed and I turned my music on shuffle, 15 by Taylor Swift began to play.
Oh what I would do to be 15 again, everything was so much simpler, I was happy and my anxiety was yet to mould into what it is now.

The horrible all encompassing feeling that holds me back each day.

And of course the accident hadn't happened yet.

Just thinking about it for a brief moment made me want to climb back under the covers and create a barrier between me and the real world.

But I had to get up carpe diem and all or what ever my mum liked to scrawl on our 'positive messages only' chalk board.

By 10 I was ready and sat on the sofa passively watching some show my brother had put on. Once again my phone was grasped in my hand, it was like I was super glued to it.

Yes that is also another one of my mums comments.

'Bethany,' My mum called from the kitchen 'would you mind going to that little super market down the road I just need a few things.' She entered the room and handed me a list and £30.

'And also it might be good for you to see the town, explore a little, maybe even go to the beach.' She added whilst she exited the room.

I walked to the front door, tied the laces to my converse and stepped out into the surprisingly pleasant heat. Normally I am one to complain when it's too hot and be grumpy when it's too cold.

I started walking down the street in the direction of the supermarket, I vaguely remembered the way after driving past yesterday.

When I reached it the automatic doors opened as I stepped into the cooler air of the shop. I gathered the items on my mums list receiving only getting a few stares from the locals. It was inevitable though, I suppose this is a town where everyone knows everyone so when someone new rocks up they obviously will be curious.

A little too curious I thought as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

My muscles instantly tensed and I could feel my throat slowly closing up as I turned to face the person who had laid their hands on me.

Breath in.
Breath out.

I looked up to their face one I had definitely never seen before.
His bright blue eyes were the first thing I noticed, they reminded me of my fathers own eyes, a sudden emotional pain stabbed at my heart.
He was also tanned and had dark blonde hair, I guessed he couldn't be much older than me.

'Hey,' the stranger said to me

Secretly I craved his confidence instead i felt trapped and i hardly managed to reply with hi.

'You must be new around here.' he continued.

I nodded in return.

'Well i am Tom,' and he pointed to 2 other boys behind him that I hadn't noticed until now 'this is Jackson and Louis.'

They both smiled back and replied with hi in unison.

Jackson had short brown hair and green eyes and Louis was ginger but most of his hair was covered by a cap that i am pretty sure was Taylor swift merchandise.

'Nice hat.' I joked.

His hand instantly sprung to his head and red started to flood to his face.

'It's my sisters, our dog ate my own hat, but between you and me i am secretly a massive fan.' He chuckled.

Tom intercepted the conversation, 'So will you be attending Differsville High next term?'

I nodded starting to relax, 'Yeah I'll be in year 12 what about you guys?'

'Ah were in the same year, we might even be in the same classes,' Tom replied.

'Well it would be nice to at least know someone at the start of the year,' I answered.

'Come and join us on our table at lunch, or at least until you get settled in,' Jackson piped in.

'Thank you, I might take you up on that offer, anyway I must go I have to get all these back for my mum, nice talking and see you in a few weeks at school!' I turned around to leave and watched them all grinning and waving at me as I turned to the check out.

As I walked home I reflected on that experience, I was so surprised how comfortable I felt in the super market talking to those boys, initially my anxiety came but it soon decreased.

This just proved to me that I don't have to let it control me.

Thanks for reading once again if you continued to the seconded chapter okay time for the q&a
1. I am 16 years old
2. I am currently doing my GCSE's :(
(I have kind off forgotten about them though since it's the holidays whoops)
3. I have a black cat and 2 guinea pigs
4. I love reading and my guilty pleasure is reading high school stories like I hope this one to be as I feel like I can relate to some of them and it's quite comforting aha.
5. I like using Pinterest and making mood boards.
6. I have NO clue what I want to be when i am older.
7. I love travelling and exploring, I wish I could spend more time outside but I have some weird phobia of actually leaving my house ( am weird I know)
8. I like shadow hunters and riverdale... a lot
9. I am an over thinker
10. Can't think of something else lol pls leave some fun facts about u in the comments I would love to read them!

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