13 - This Bitch Empty

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Tony is completely emerged in his work as he tinkers with one of his Iron Man suit legs.  Peter is sitting next to him, doing homework and sipping on a Coke.

Peter stops reading as he realizes It's empty.  Then his face lights up as He looks at it.

"This bitch empty!" He exclaims.

Tony looks up from his work on the suit leg and looks at Peter puzzled, brows furrowing in confusion.

"What?" Tony asks, seemingly unheard by the teenager.

"YEeT!" Peter yells loudly throwing the aluminum can forcefully to the other side of the room where it chrashes into the wall before falling onto the ground.

Tony hopes it didn't dentthe wall.  Who knows what Peter can do with his super strength?

"What the fuck?"

Peter's head spins around to look at the inventor.  His cheeks flush as he looks at the confused man.

"I'll pick it up," Peter mumbles before getting up from the chair.


I am obsessed with Buzzfeed Unsolved now.  Paranoia has never been higher, and I don't even believe in ghosts and demons.

And I guess I'm a Cumberbitch too now because I am obsessed with Patrick Melrose and Sherlock.  And lets not forget how much i enjoyed Doctor Strange and The Immitation Game...

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