It's Youuuu

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The backbone of surprises
Is fusing speed with secrecy.

-Carl von Clausewitz

Geo's POV:
I lost Carmela after the tsunami of students that pushed me out of my own classroom. I tried looking for her, but I couldn't seem to find her. She must be avoiding me. Again.

So, I ate recess with Cherry, Eliza, Duyan, and Maine. Like any usual day, I filled my mouth with some leftover pizza from the night before, and plus an extra, mom toasted me two slices of plain bread. Yum.

I looked at my table mates, to only notice that they were all girls. Damn, now I'll look like a gay.

I searched around the room for maybe Dante, and possibly maybe even Carmela too, but my eyes failed to see them. I sighed and continued chewing on my pizza.

It was a normal thick crust pizza.

I looked back at my table mates and saw that they were still talking among themselves. Cherry was in the middle of Duyan and Eliza's conversation, meanwhile Maine was silently looking tired on her seat.

She looked like she has a terrible case of jet lag, since she looked incredibly drowsy.

"You alright?" I asked her cautiously.

She nodded, in a sort of lifeless manner.

Nothing but Duyan, Eliza, and Cherry's conversation had filled the table. Maine and I continued on with our silence. I silently munched on some pizza while she laid her head down on her arms.

A few moments later, she jerked her head, and yawned.

"Geo," she called. "Make a joke, do something- or anything to keep me awake."

"Huh? Did you sleep late or something?" I asked.

"Yeah...." She nodded, her her eye lids were at the verge of falling. "I just really don't know why.... I think I use my phone too much?"

"Figures." I shrugged timidly.

"So...." She looked at me wearily. "Make a joke."

"It doesn't work like that," I said lightly. "You've gotta think about it in the right time and place."

"Huh? I don't get you?"

"Why'd you ever wanna get me?" I looked at her with a goofy astonished kind of look. "That's human trafficking!"

There was a short pause, then we snickered.

"Okay," she said through giggles. "That was the corniest one yet."

"Not quite," I shook my head. "Do you know why I don't drink water?"

"Why?" she asked, a smile from the last joke still plastered on her face.

"Because it's too-big! Get it? Ohhhhh!"

She snickered lightly.

"Whatever," she giggled. "Just eat your pizza."

From across the table, apparently Duyan, Cherry, and Eliza were giggling too, their eyes stuck looking at us. They whispered something to each other, then gestured for Maine to do or say something.

I didn't really get the picture.

Their soft whisper like murmurs continued on. I heard my name, then Maine and.... Oh no, I know where this is going.

Maine just nodded to them, finally understanding what their gesture meant.

"So Geo," Maine straightened herself. "Remember when you told me that you had a crush on Aria last term?"

"Y-yeah?" I nodded slowly.

She turned her head to the three, who looked really excited. "Well these guys told me that you had a new one, so...."

There was a brief moment of silence.

"So.... what?" I raised a brow

"Do you have any plans on telling me who's that lucky girl?"

"None, actually."

"Awwww, c'mon!"

"Let's play rock paper scissors for it?" I held out my fist.

"Forget it," she rolled her eyes. "You're too good at rock paper scissors."

"Clever girl." I smiled at her smugly.

It was true, I was the rock paper scissors king!

"Other than that, no." I said promptly.


She pleaded and pleaded. Her eyes were as beautiful as ever, her fair skin was as pale, and maybe my reputation was already ruined, so why not just give up? I guess, it's now or never.

"So, you really wanna know who I have a crush on?"

"Who?" She had all ears, but she still looked drowsy.

The three looked like they were about to die in anticipation. Their eyes looked back and forth between Maine and I, as if they were watching a professional tennis match.

I took a deep breath.

"It's yooooouuuuu."

To Be Continued....

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