I'm Busy!

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Stop doubting yourself!
Work hard, and make it happen!


Geo's POV:
Like Carmela and Aria had said, the dark days are coming up....

By dark days, I meant term tests and clearance week.

I come to school for only about thrice a week, depending on me. If I was too lazy, or I just basically need some time away from sunlight.

No wonder Aria calls me a vampire.

Apparently this Wednesday, when I came to school, everyone was fairly busy. Frantically looking at their notes, copying others'....

The class was in a fit of a pandemonium.

I regret going to school today.

"Carmela...." I tapped her back, as she flipped through pages in her notebook, counting and highlighting every single lesson title.

"Yeah? What?" She asked in an annoyed tone, not even taking her eyes off the paper bound.

"What's.... Going on?"

I sounded like an ignorant child, but I didn't care.

"We're fixing our clearance, you dork." Aria comments as she carries mounds of notebooks in her arms.

She drops all of them on the desk. Some of the papers were oozing out of the notebook and wasn't even attached to the binder anymore. Meanwhile, some of the papers flew in the air, aimlessly travelling around the classroom.

"Carmela! Do you have complete notes in lesson number 18 in Math?" She said as she took a pen and flipped through the pages of her notebook.

"Here!" Carmela, still not taking her eyes off of her notebook, tossed Aria her Math notebook. "It's a bit messy but-"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Aria scolds fiercely. "As long as you've got the notes!"

I sat there quietly, not knowing what I should do. It was such an early morning in Math time, and the class looked like it was in a freakin' a war zone.

I was bored, I had no energy to do clearance work.

"Hey Carmela, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm busy!"

"Hey Aria, knock knock."

"Who's there? I don't care. Shut up, good bye, lock the door when you leave."

Even Dante, of all the languid people in the qorld, seemed to be worked up in organizing his clearance.... Seems like I was the only one within my friends who didn't seem to care.

I fiddled with my seat. HTEC was one hell of a cheap skate institute, wasn't it? The rimmed frame was practically shedding off and the screws that held it together were about to fall off. Speaking of which, at that exact moment, it fell off. No, thankfully the chair didn't fall apsrt–only the damn screws. I picked up the screws, and examined them. It's such a surprise my chair was still in one piece.

"You know what guys," I threw the screws at them. "Screw you! I can make it without clearance!"

No one laughed.

I looked at my own notes in Math.


"Geo!" Aria yelled. "What the freakin' algebra are you doing?! You better copy some notes! You've got more absents than I have pimples on my face."

"That's fair."

"She's right though," Carmela said. "You better get your butt moving if you don't wanna be stuck on seventh grade."

"This sucks," I complained. "We never had clearance from my old school."

"Well, this isn't your old school, is it?" Carmela took my bag, and laid out my Math notebook, and as well as all my other notebooks.

"This is high school and you better get used to it, 'cause college won't get any easier with that attitude of yours." She continued.

"Wow," I slow clapped. "You done with your lecture, mom?"

Carmela nearly killed me by literally tossing all my heavy and thick notebooks until she got me to copy some notes. In that day alone, my progress in clearance was 0.00000000001%

That's something, right?

Carmela's POV:
I thank God! I was finished organizing all of my clearance on all of my subjects.

Aria still had to copy some extra stuff since she barely copies notes in class. She's not as bad as Geo, but still.

Only thing left to do now was study for term tests and plan for that hang out this Friday.

Yup, we were having a hang out this Friday. I'm inviting CJ, Jolla, Hasha, Duyan, Eliza, Jeromeo, Aria, and Geo. Basically the whole friends group.

I didn't invite Biclone, why? Because he's Biclone!

I didn't invite Cherry too, since she doesn't enjoy video games. And Dante.... He's just lazy. You know that guy.

Aria, CJ, Hasha, Jolla, and Jeromeo already agreed to come.Duyan and 3liza didn't hesitate to even say 'no.' Now I was only left with Geo, who didn't confirm his presence and affirmation to go to the hang out. 

He worked so hard today—not. He looks like a mess, but that's all on him. I just mildly forced him to finish his clearance by the end of the day. Though, I might as well bring the invitation up while it's still early.

"Hey, white man," I called.

"Ugh," he grumbled. "Could you stop calling me that?"

"I'm having a hang out at my place this Friday." I ignored his last remark. "Wanna come? I'll send you my address and—"


"Awwww, c'mon." I whined. "There'll be food."

"You can't bribe me with food unlike Aria and Jeromeo, Carmela."

"There's Wi-Fi."

"I can afford my own, thank you very much."

"There's videogames."


"Call of Duty."



"I'll be there at 3:00"

Hope You Liked It!

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