Ch 4: The Big Day

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Note: For all the wedding scenes I keep avoiding in my other Jackspeed fics. Here you go!


Gary could only stare in wonder at his backyard. When his parents' friends had arrived to decorate, he hadn't been expecting it to look so amazing. There were lanterns hanging from the apple tree, ribbons dangling from the back of every chair, and flowers everywhere!

Giggling, he raced around the yard, wanting to see everything at once. As he ran around the corner of the deck, he crashed into another person and ended up laying on top of them.

"Avocato, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," the boy beneath Gary answered.

Blue eyes went wide as Gary found himself staring down at a humanoid cat-person. He was soooo cute! He just wanted to stroke his blue fur, and hug him close to see if he was as soft as he looked.

"Um... you can get off me now," the older boy said, blinking up at him.

"Oh, right." Gary gave an embarrassed laugh as he pushed himself to his feet, and reached out a hand to help the other boy up. This Avocato person was a head taller than him... and he had a TAIL!

"Gary, what are you doing? You're supposed to be dressed by now," John said, coming up behind them.

"John! Congratulations," the adult cat-man said, reaching out to shake the captain's hand.

"Thanks, Zavocato," John answered. "And who is this strapping young man?"

"This is my son, Avocato. He recently turned 8," the elder cat informed him.

"I'm 6!" Gary blurted out.

"Gary, this is my friend, Zavocato. He's a fellow captain in the Infinity Guard," John informed his son.

"I'm gonna be a captain too, someday!" Gary insisted, glancing up at Zavocato. But his gaze quickly returned to the younger Ventrexian — a fact that did not go unnoticed by the adults. "Are you like an Earth cat? Do you always land on your feet when you jump off stuff? Do you sleep all the time? Do you lick..."

"Zavocato and Avocato are Ventrexians, Gary. Not cats," John was quick to say, covering his son's mouth before he said something ridiculous.

The little boy wiggled away, pouting up at his father. "But they LOOK like cats. They're all fuzzy and soft looking!" Gary grumbled, inciting a laugh from the elder feline.

"Gary," John sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"You're weird," Avocato suddenly said, his golden eyes focused on the little boy in front of him.

"Oh," Gary said, his face drooping. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, but tried to hold them back.

"I mean... wanna be friends?" Avocato tried again, holding out a hand to the other boy. The blond blinked at him in amazement, but quickly shook his hand. A brilliant smile took over his face, causing the little Ventrexian's heart to skip a beat.

"Okay! Friendship mode engaged!"

"Alright, sport. Time to get dressed. You're carrying the rings and throwing the flowers, remember?" John said, gesturing for his son to follow him into the house.

"Can... can Avocato carry the rings, instead. He's already dressed up," Gary said, pointing out the fact that the little Ventrexian was in a black suit with a white shirt.

"I thought you said you wanted to carry the rings," the captain commented, raising an eyebrow at his son.

"But it'll be more fun to walk with my new friend. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!" the blonde boy begged.

Over the Moon (Final Space) (Jackspeed and baby Gary)Where stories live. Discover now