The Date

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"Lilly!" Amelia said peeking through the back bedroom door. "Let him in!"

Those three words did not settle well with Lilly... Just then the door knocked again. Lilly hissed. She slowly and reluctantly got off the couch and walked towards the door.

As any sane woman with common sense would do, she leaned in and stared through the peephole quietly and intensely observing the stranger.

Lilly debated whether to open the door. But she knew if she didn't, Amelia would never let her hear the end of it. He banged again.

"Yaya! Hold your horses!" Lilly uttered wiping the popcorn from her buttered lips.

Slowly she opened the door... And there he was... He smiled... Lilly stared him up and down. He began to speak, but Lilly heard not a word.... It was almost as if she went blank for a moment.

"Uh hi!" The man said standing at the door. "This is room 460 isn't it."

"What it says on the door." Lilly said pointing to the numbers.

"Right O!" The man laughed. "So can I uh come in?" He asked. Lilly didn't budge. Waving his hand in Lilly's dazed face, the man uttered... "Um Hello?"

Lilly in her best behavior replied...

"Hello Prince Charming..." She said in sarcasm. "You're late." She said walking back towards the couch leaving him standing at the door.

"Well..." He replied closing the door... "I would say I was right on time."

"Hmmm." Lilly murmured seemingly uninterested.

You ever get that funny feeling about someone right off the bat? Well something about him, left Lilly on edge from the moment he said hello. A bitter disdain. And it was not just because, he interrupted ladies night. That was part of it. Or that he even was a Twitter stranger, seeking her best friend. But it was something else. She couldn't pin point it. Something in his eyes. And the one thing Lilly, whom is normally cordial towards all Amelia's dates...suddenly began to put up walls. She plopped on the couch. The man, soon followed and sat beside.

Lilly kept focus on the tv... almost acting as if the man was not in the room. Her night was already ruined, so she tried her best to just relax and get focus back on her tranquil night. It was after all movie night and that of the classics.

Taking a deep breath in, She patiently waited for her fav old black and white flick. No doubt it was on she had seen more than a hundred times. But to Lilly, it always felt new...

"Relax..." Lilly mumbled to herself. Plopping her feet on the coffee table. She took a deep breath in as she outstretched and began eating her popcorn.

"Hmm Emm.." The man cleared his throat. Lilly didn't move. "Hmm Emm!" The man uttered again.

"Whut?" Lilly said finally conceding and taking her eyes off the screen with her mouth packed stuff with popcorn.

"Well uh... I am at the right apartment aren't I? I mean Amelia is somewhere around....right?" He nervously chuckled.

"Somewhere." Lilly mumbled looking back to the screen.

"I'm Max, by the way." He said reaching his hand out for Lilly to shake.

"Charmed." Lilly replied still focusing on the screen.

"Typically, one would shake hands in an introduction..." Max said with his hand still reaching forth.

"Course." Lilly replied. "How rude of me." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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