chapter two: Well crap...

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     I walked slowly behind the other's on the way back, keeping an eye on our surroundings. We all knew that there were sketchy people on the border between the outside and the lower sides but apparently I was the only one that cared. We finally got to our base at around sundown, by that time I could barely keep my eyes open. We were greeted by the group with worried glances, everyone was quiet until Rafa spoke up. What he said sent a chill down my spine. "You guys are so screwed. Sariah has tried contacting you fifteen times."
He was right. We were screwed.
I was just about to get out of there when Sariah came storming in, she NEVER got mad...
We are so dead.
"Where. Have. You. BEEN!?!" She screamed at Cyko. Of course she's going to scream at him first, he is our leader. "I- um. Well, we... crap. Ummmmm. " He sighed. "I'm sorry please don't kill me it'll never happen again I'm so so so so so so so so sorry!!!!!" Gosh he was so pathetic sometimes.
Oh God now she's walking over to me. I'm gonna die.
This is really the end of me!!!
Yep, I'm dead.
"And you, Asif. I really expected better from you..." Sariah said with, was that  disappointment? Oh great, her being disappointed is even worse that her being angry.
Oh man, and now she's walking away, oh God we REALLY screwed up this time!!!!
"I told you guys. She never walks away." Rafa said matter of factly.
"We know." Cyko and I had said in perfect unison, clearly annoyed.
Now, how to fix this...
I dOn'T kNoW hOw To FiX tHiS!!!
I'm FrEaKiNg OuT!!!
Ok, Asif, calm yourself.
Alright, I can figure this out...
I looked back over my shoulder to find that somebody had came in. Ah, it was star. He's like the human (theoretically speaking of course.) bait. We always use him as a distraction. I don't like it though. He's too adorable to die in the line of fire. I mean seriously, he's like, fourteen.
"Guys, what's going on?" Star asked sleepily. "Well, you see. Cyko, Anavel, Reed, and Asif totally screwed themselves." Rafa replied. Jeez, I get it. We messed up. Does he really have to keep reminding us?
My thoughts were interrupted by Cyko's phone ringing. He awnsered the phone and his eyes got wide and his shoulders slumped. Oh great, something else is going wrong today. JUST ANOTHER NORMAL DAY IN THE LIFE OF ASIF!!! Ugh. "alright gang, i have something for everybody to do... we have a new mission!!!" Cyko declared. "Alright, who do you need??" I asked.
Please don't be me.
PLEASE don't be me.
"Of course I'm going to need my trusty best friend/ sidekick Asif!!"
Oh no not again....

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