The Silent Hell

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It been hours, days, weeks, and now months for Midoriya being gone missing, for Bakugou this only ment an abstinence of his favorite toy, three months ago prior to the fire inccedent.

Caused by an unknown villain , after the fire incident police and pro heroes arrived but they where too late. The fire have already consumed the house leaving to nothing to but dust and the corpse of an adult women non other than Miss poor Inko.

Unfourtanly the Pros and police couldn't find the body of the young teen name Izuku Midoriya, many people around the neighborhood theorize that the villain kidnapped Midoriya, taking him as hostage.

After that incident, the streets where never the same again many parents fear that there house will be burn down to hell or there kids will kidnapped too and as parents they will do anything to protect their children .

So many people and parents left the neighborhood for a more suitable and safer life quality leaving the neighborhood vase and empty like if it was abounded for war, some people even now calls the icedent. "The Silent Hell" because it happend so quietly in the night yet it cause hell to break loose in the neighberhood but as for the Katzuki family they stayed in that Silent Hell .

This brutally awful event impacted the Katzuki family, for Bakugou's Mom she mourn of her dearest friend's death thinking that she could have save her, be there for her in the greatest times of needs.

As for Bakugo' s Dad well let's just say he was thinking about a divorce, finally for Bakugo he begin to have dreams of his childhood friend instead of trying to forget like Mother and Son they both crave of the people they have lost.

Bakugo just couldn't get his childhood friend off of his mind, every minute of the day the thought of Deku just latched on his mind for like an hour, Bakugo knew he should at least feel some type of regret .

But just thinking about his toy that was long gone away from him just made him aroused, sometimes he couldn't handle himself so he sometimes blow up his desk just to release some sensual thoughts .

*Bakugous Home*

What the hell I'm not even gay, but deku will look so good in my little chamber thoe, what the hell Bakugo !? Repeat after yourself Bakugo, your not gay, your not gay, your not gay, your no- *gay thoughts about deku stripping for him*.

"FUCK" Bakugo shouted, "BOY SHUT THE HELL UP OR I'LL FLUSH YOU DOWN YOUR UGLY ASS DOWN THIS TOILET, YOU DAMN VIRGIN" shouted his Mom. And with that Bakugo was dead silent Oh Lord Grant me the patience Bakugou's Dad whisper to himself.

I just don't get it why the hell is this happening to me, is this punishment for how a bully I was to that damn nerd or are these some fucking feeling I always had for him !? Bakugo thought .

"I guess I just miss him so much, ... crapped what happened to my nerd I just hope he's not useless by himself ". Bakugo said laying on his bed, it was 12:00 am, the night was black as oil or black as Bakugo' s heart I guess that's why they called that incident the Silent Hell .

Bakugo's Mom status: I should've been there for her

Bakugo's Dad status: I wanna kill myself

Bakugo's status : I feel that I lost something

Neighborhood's status: we don't feel safe anymore

Midoriya's status: unknown

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