Chapter one

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*5 months later* Kaito:after that day nothing was the same we had to hide day in and day out. The humans stopped treating us as equals and even killed one of our own we were to weak to same him. *flash back  5 months earlier * Miku:that sure sucked with that weirdo throwing that can at us. Gakupo:yeah turn on the tv to see the news. Rib:that sounds lame. Kaito:it really does. Miku:well it is gakupo's turn so...*turns on the tv to the news* news person:inside the general election house there's a huge debate for vocaloid or other cyber beings having rights we bring you close to the action. Crowd:IF WE DON'T  CONTROL THEM NOW SOON THEY'LL OWN JAPAN WE NEED ORDER. Shinzo Abe:ok ok I understand what the people want...(he's the prime minister in japan)I will send the police to raid the vocaloid head quarters immediately. Police:*kick down door* FREEZE OR WE'll SHOOT!!! Gakupo:糞食うれ(Kuso Kure translation eat shit) * tackles them* Len:GAKUPOOO NOOOO * reaches hand out* Kaito:*picks up len* *all run away except gakupo* gakupo:good bye my friends and my sweet Len *cops shoot gakupo 20 times* *5 months later* Kaito:I'm still sorry my friend if I was a man like you maybe we could've both fought them and you would have made it(well it's been a while huh? A lot of things happened but I have a new phone now(๑╹ω╹๑ )

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