Chapter 2: depression of len kagamine

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     *miku pov*
Miku:*thinking lens been distant since gakupo died well they were dating but lens been considering suicide we should probably offer to help*
    *len pov*
Len:god damn why am I so useless? If I had reacted instead of just sitting there*hits head against the wall*  *Miku knocks* Miku:uhh Len are you okay? Len:ok? FUCK YOU MIKU HOW COULD YOU UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL ITS NOT LIKE MY SISTER DIED!!!! need to come out everyone is worried about you and all you do is act like there's nothing left to live for. Len:THATS BECAUSE THERE ISN'T FOR SOMEONE LIKE ME!!! Gumi:*kicks down door* do you really think gakupo would be happy with you as you are now? Len:what the hell do you know gumi? Gumi:* smacks* HIS DEATH HAS BEEN HARD ON ALL OF US BUT UNLIKE YOU THE REST OF US ARE TRYING TO MOVE ON! Miku:gumi...please calm down it's not his fault he's hurting. Gumi:yeah but everyone has been doing the "nice way" and he's just been sitting there wallowing away in his own self pity and treating everyone else around him like shit and I'm sick of it.'re right i fucking hate to admit it but you're right I've let my self become some stupid overly emotional emo boy. Kaito:*walks up* *puts hand on shoulder* welcome back old friend hope you're ready for a lot of combat training. Len:combat? I thought we just hid here all day and hopped human soldiers wouldn't find us. Miku:unfortunately things aren't that easy we still need to eat. Len:so what exactly do we do? Miku:we rob human stores I mean sure vocaloids can survive a year Without eating but as you can see on Len it takes a huge effect to the body and this is just 5 months. Len:do I really look that bad? look like a zombie skeleton you really need to eat something (yeah I think this is a good place to stop( ̄▽ ̄)

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