June 8th 2018, Friday

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8:44 am school yard
He started to hang out closer to where I am. No girlfriend just him and his friends. I walked around and would look back each time my eyes would meet yours. Correct me if I'm wrong bu don't you have a girlfriend.

11:03 am hallways
Again you came closer to where I was. You changed your way of getting to class. Surprise his gf class is right next to mine. I have a feeling she doesn't like me because anytime she's around him and me and him make eye contact that's when she wants be all over him

12:50 pm classroom
So unlike the other him. This guy that I'm talking about is single older and isn't a fuckboy. He meets all my standards in a guy. But he'll never notice me we barely talk. He's cute especially his smile. He's a really nice guy too bad I'm not his type.

2:00 pm classroom
He confirmed it. He's dating her. I really need to give these people nicknames. But anyway he had an incident between another girl and him this girl wasn't his girlfriend. But he never told her. He's a nice guy don't get me wrong but I guess it's in his nature to be a fuckboy

4:28 pm dance
It's the school dance and I'm letting loose. Bumping and grinding with my friends. Having a place getting food. It was really sweaty and hot in there. Why there wasn't AC is beside me. I had fun and not once did I think about some guy or some bullshit drama I had with them or some new fling. It was just dancing and letting loose. Forgetting about my worries and just doing whatever my body told me to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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