chapter 26

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One week later,Third Person's POV
"Happy birthday baby! I specially prepared a surprise for you tonight,I hope you'll like it!" Minhyun chirped into the phone. That day was a weekend and also Euiyoung's birthday.

"Well,I better." Euiyoung laughed into the phone,obviously being perked up from her boyfriend's chirpiness. "Are we meeting up today?"

"Yeah,tonight at Han River Park,8.30pm. Cool?" Minhyun asked through the phone.

"Cool,see you there. I love you!!" Euiyoung gave Minhyun a kiss through the line.

"That's why I love you too,Euiyoung-you're so adorable. Alright,I gotta go. Love you too!!" Minhyun then abruptly hung up the phone to finish planning the birthday surprise.

Meanwhile,Euiyoung turned on her laptop and opened dance videos to watch. She had recently picked up dancing and she would spend hours on end watching dance videos and learning the choreography performed. As always,she looked for American-pop songs with dance covers and copied them until the late afternoon and her mother came back seeing her dancing.

"You know,Euiyoung,I'm thinking to sign you up for dance classes because you're actually quite good at dancing. Isn't Minhyun interested too? I think you two could go together." Mrs Han commented and Euiyoung continued to dance with a smile on her face.

At the same time,Minhyun's POV
me (to myself): So later,there'll be a tent,pink flowers,a vanilla cake, and I'll be singing for her...but what song?
*The studio door clicks open and Minhyun's friend Minki walks in*
minki: Planning something,hyung? You always seem to be muttering to yourself.
me: What song should I sing for my girlfriend later? I'm so confused now.
minki: What artist does she like?
SHINee. She's a HUGE Shawol.

me: SHINee. She's a hardcore Shawol.
minki: There,you have your answer hyung. Now,go look through their discography and pick the most appropriate song.
me: Would 'Replay' be a good song?
minki: Well,is she older than you?
me: By four months,I'm younger.
minki: I guess it's fine anyways hyung. Start practicing-it's tonight,isn't it?
me: Yeah.
minki: Good luck,hyung.
*Minki goes out of the studio*
Alright,for Euiyoung,you can't mess this up Hwang Minhyun.

Later at night,Third Person's POV
"Where is she..." Minhyun looked around his surroundings with a rose in his clammy,sweaty right hand. He had put in a lot of effort and he didn't want Euiyoung to be disappointed.

"Minhyunnie!!" Euiyoung's sweet voice rang in the air as she ran into Minhyun's arms.

"Happy birthday my love,are you ready for your surprise?" Minhyun presented the rose to Euiyoung,who buried her face into his chest with happiness. Taking her hand,he told her to close her eyes and led her to the private rented tent.

"Alright,open your eyes." Minhyun whispered into Euiyoung's ear and she opened her eyes,only to look around in surprise. The tent had soft pink fairy lights hung around the top and pink flowers lined the centre aisle. In the centre was a tiny platform with a guitar set up and behind that platform was a table with Euiyoung's birthday cake. "Do you like it?" Minhyun asked Euiyoung,who looked at him with a joyful gaze.

"Minhyun,I love it." That was all he needed to hear.

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