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The queen paced her chambers nervously, with one newborn baby resting on her hip and two more sleeping in cribs hovering in front of her. She nudged aside baby toys as she wore out the floor, waiting for her husband. He was supposed to be back by 8pm. Sharp. He was never late. So why was he not back yet? What happened that kept him from the safety of these walls? She shook her head, immediately clearing any negative thoughts. The possibility couldn't even be entertained. The meetings, risky as they were, were held in secret. Not even the Head Counselor knew about them.

"Your Majesty." Elena, her lady in waiting addressed her softly. She'd been watching the queen with concern for a while now. "May I suggest a warm cup of tea to calm your nerves? You seem especially on edge tonight."

The queen smiled at her, but the gesture didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank you, sweet Elena, but I do not think tea will help my nerves tonight." She couldn't help but think that maybe the rebels had discovered the meeting place, or intercepted his path. The anxious woman hugged the child to her chest tightly, and stared out the window for the umpteenth time, setting the cribs to a steady rocking with a nod of her head. Unlike the last several times, however, there was a line of lights along the guard's wall. She jumped away from the window just as a siren went off.

"Elena!" she shouted. The queen was no longer anxious. Fear was clearly etched across her face as she shoved her child into the maid's arms. "Take the children!"

"My lady?" Elena responded, bewildered.

"We are under attack!" she yelled. There were protocols set for times of attack, but this was no ordinary attack. In her heart of hearts, the young queen knew this was it. After tonight, the prophecy would be set in motion. The flames outside blazed brighter than ever, illuminating the hope that sparked in her heart. Whatever happened tonight, her daughter and sons would live. This she knew; the old sorcerer said as much. With this in mind, she slammed her shutters closed and looked her maid in the eye, hands on either side of her face.

"Elena, you have been much more than a loyal maid to me all these years; you have been a friend and confidante to me. This you know."

The young girl stared wide-eyed at her mistress and nodded. "It has been an honor and privilege to serve you, my lady."

The queen waved the formalities away. "Hush now, we don't have much time. You are the only person Julian and I can entrust Evangeline, Adrian, and Caiden to. Our lives are in danger, and the prophesy states that only a select few will escape this night. It has always been my children, but I see now that it is you as well."

"Celeste, no-" Elena started, any pretense at formalities gone.

"Listen! There is a doorway in my closet. You must search for a loose stone along the wall...on the right side. Press it in. Take the stairway down and you will find my workroom."

The sound of thundering feet drew closer, and the queen glanced towards her door in a panic. Looking around, she grabbed a book from the shelf nearest her and pulled out a rumpled sheet of paper. "Here, these are instructions. Follow them. It is imperative that you protect them. Please, Elena, I'm counting on you." She finished in a whisper, and the maid couldn't help but nod.

"I won't let you down, Celeste."

Celeste smiled grimly and kissed her maid on the cheek. Then she looked down at her sleeping children. Her smile turned sad as she studied the lovely face of her children. Evangeline had her father's eyes, blue as the morning sky, and wide like the moon. Her hair hinted of soft, auburn curls, like her mother. Adrian and Caiden had dark hair like their father, but eyes as green as the Evergreens in her gardens. Their porcelain skin and star-shaped birthmarks above their collarbone marked them as one of the Star Children.

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