Meeting The Target

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Hey everyone! RetroLovers here! From now on, updates will be on SUNDAYS! I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as we enjoy writing them! Make sure to comment, vote, and stay amazing!



I pulled the keys out of the ignition as my truck rolled to a stop in the narrow parking spot. Under any other circumstances I wouldn't be caught dead at a football game. For the exact reason footballers wouldn't be found at a wrestling match.

It was something that just wasn't done. Like popular kids were never seen socializing with outcasts. Or cheerleaders being friends with people from the dance team. It just didn't happen.

I slammed the car door shut and walkes through the stadium gates and towards the bleachers. I flashed my school ID towards the man taking tickets and kept walking.

The sooner I made progress the better.

"Nolan Smith?" A chirpy voice purred behind me.

I turned to see my ex-girlfriend Alexa standing there. She had a pair of her signature all too short demin shorts and a slutty tank top. Her clevage hung shamlessly on full display.Her blonde hair fell onto her shoulders in messy waves. Her make up was caked onto her face to the point where she looked like she belong in a box labled "BARBIE".

"This is the last place I thought I would see you. I must say, you have gotten so much hotter within these last few months." She batted her eyelashes in an attempt to be sexy as her hand slid down my chest.

"Listen, Lex, I'm not here so you can try and make whatever we had real agin. It never was to begin with. I hate to burst your idea of what you think will happen here, but you and I are over. I fully intend for it to stay that way." I sneered down at her smaller frame.

Her grin slowly slid into an angry frown. "All the more reason to stay with Erik you, douche." She growled before pushing past me and moving back to her friends who waited next to the concession stand.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way up the ramp that lead to the packed bleachers. I scanned the mass of bodies. Fans were decorated in the Lions signature colors: black and gold. Foam fingers and other merch was raised in the air as the home team made a touch down. I groaned as my eye caught #76 on the big screen at the end of the field. Kingston.

I leaned against the end rail, eyeing the mass of bodies. In the middle of it all, Eleanor Kingston's fire colored hair shined like a flame. Her head was turned downwards to look at her lap, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She moved a pencil across a piece of paper in the sketch pad she always had on her, Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen her without it near her.

My frown upturned as I made my way towards her, in a few quick strides.

"Is that seat taken?" I smiled cheekily and pointed to the empty space to her left.

"Actually, my boyfriend Casper is meeting some of his nonexistant friends. I don't think he'd appriciate you flirting with me....?"

"Nolan. My name is Nolan."

"Well, Nolan, I guess I can make an exception just this once. The seat is yours." She laughed lightly before turning back to her art, not even waiting to see if I had taken the seat or not.

"This Casper sure is a lucky guy. He's got himself a funny one." I teased as I eyes the sketch she was working on.

Everyone knew that the infamous Eleanor Kingston was an art nerd. She spent every lunch in the art room and entered every artistic contest the school hosted. I had always expected her to be decent. I was wrong in my assumtion. She was far past decent. If not amazing!

The sketch in front of my eyes deserved to be praised and shown off. It was a simple design of a teenaged looking girl, with indian style feathers in her hair. Her locks flowed across the page, entangling with colored spills that hid in the background.

"Oh, he is lucky. He got the only girl at Williamson High who is afraid to talk to someone of the opposite gender, and yet most times the same gender. Not to mention who spends her time with the football team because her big brother is a proctective asshole who thinks he can choose who she hangs out with. I mean, don't get me wrong, the football guys are like a whole group of brothers. I love them all. It's just that I wish I could make that choice for myself, but I'm too shy to anyway. And here I am rambling," Her cheeks flushed to match the color of her hair.

As I looked at her face, I noticed how the freckles that were dusted across her skin were illuminated under the stadium lights. Her caramel brown irises glowed as though they could brighten the entire place themselved. She was beautiful. Not like, "I could be a Tumblr girl because every gone has tapped it" but more of a "Do I look ok? Or should I change? Oh, I must look bad" beautiful. The kind that doesn't know the beauty she possesses.

I shook my head, knocking away the thought. No, Nolan. This is a dumb bet. A dare. Nothing more. "I don't think you've even given me your name." I smiled at her shyness.

"Eleanor." She whispered sheepishly, shutting her notebook that held her mastpieces. "I'm Eleanor. Do me a favor and tell me about you so I do feel so weird about my speech, will you?"

I chuckled, pushing a few stray curls away from my eyes. "Well, there really isn't much to me. I am the wrestling team captain. I have no artistic talent, unlike you. I am pretty comfortable talking to either gender." I grinnned as her cheeks flared up again. "I am not much of a football fan." I shrugged.

"Then why did you come to the game? That's kind of the entire point. Football, I mean."

"To be honest? I was hoping to see you."

She let out a hollered laugh, clutching her stomach, and throwing her head back in amusement.

"What?" I frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wrestler, but I am not like other girls you may hang around. It takes more than a few smooth, obviously planned lines and a smirk to get me. Better luck next time."

She rose to her feet as the home team scored a touchdown in the last 10 seconds of the game. She unknowingly swayed her hips slightly as she left me behind, baffled to no end.

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