Take A Chance On Me

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I stood awkwardly in the doorway of the art room, the space of the hallway around me that’s completely stranded.  Through the small, glass window I could see Eleanor taking a quick bite of a cheese sandwich before returning to the piece she is currently working on.  Her pencil moved as swiftly as ever across the paper, leaving granite marks in its wake.

I am so used to spending my lunch crowded in a huddle with the guys from the team, talking about girls lacking a rack or guys who try hard and come up with nothing. Here, standing alone in the hallway, it felt as though the emptiness is suffocating me.

I tapped my knuckles lightly against the cracked door, signaling my presence. El’s head shot up from the table and she slowly stood from the stool she had previously been perched on, and made her way to where I stood.  

“What are you doing here, Nolan? Shouldn’t you be with your buddies rating girls on a scale of one to ten?” She mused as she leaned against the doorframe in front of me. Her usually wild hair is pulled back in a neat side braid, held back by a red bandana. She was clad in a pair of overalls, which were covered in various paint slashes and stains, a simple gray sweater, and a pair of red Converse shoes. The entirety of it was so plain, yet so uniquely beautiful at the same time.

“What, and miss the chance to annoy for an entire hour? I’m offended. I always take advantage of the time I’m given.” I teased back, running a hand through my hair.

“I know you take advantage of many things, but time? That one’s new.”  She rolled her eyes in a playful manner before retreating back to her creation space. I numbly followed her, moving even before my mind could process my actions. I knew her words should sting, but everything about the moment kept my mind in a whirlwind.

“Ouch.” I sighed, giving into my desires and taking the seat across the table from her. Everything about this situation seemed so wrong. She is a dare, nothing more. I can’t let myself get caught up in this girl. There is no doubt that she will be like everyone else in my life. Just like everyone else, she will leave me behind in the dust. Not to mention, good girls like her never end up with assholes like me.

“Seriously, though. Why are you here?” She didn’t bother to look up from her drawing as she spoke, breaking the momentary silence.

“I needed to get away.” I shrugged. It wasn’t technically a lie. I did need to get away. The truth behind that statement hid far under the surface of my past than I had ever been willing to share with anyone before, and I’m not planning on spilling it all now.

“I never thought someone like you would ever get tired of all the attention and drooling girls.” She snapped a little harsher than I expected I would ever hear leave her mouth. It was so uncharacteristic, yet I knew better than to press any further.

“Everyone gets annoyed from something at at least one point in their lives.” I mumbled, brushing it off like it was nothing.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” She whispered, erasing a smudged, black spot that rested on the upper left corner of her drawing. 

“Maybe…Maybe I should just get going.” I couldn’t stand the awkwardness that lingered among us as we stared at each other for seconds after the words had slipped from my lips.

“Maybe you should.” She sighed, looking defeated suddenly.

“Why do you look deflated all of a sudden?” I whispered before I could stop myself.

“What?” She hissed, her eyes narrowing as she glared back at me.

“Why did you say maybe you should like you did? It’s only us. Tell me the truth, El. I’m just a human like you.” I knitted my eye brows together in frustration.

“I want you to be different than what I know. I want to believe that you can be this sweet and funny guy who keeps showing up. That isn’t reality though, Nolan.” She hummed lowly, running a hand through her messy bangs. “I just don’t know what to think or say anymore.” He reached for her pencil again and lazily scratched a few granite lines across her paper.

“Listen, El…” I groaned, shifting my weight awkwardly on the stool. “It’s all in the image.” I stated simply.

“What? That doesn’t even make sense.”

“I’m what everyone expects me to be.” I fibbed. “If they want an asshole, that’s what they’ll get. Just because girls know who I am, I must be a player. It’s all in how perceive me.”

“I just don’t know, Nolan.” She sighed and bowed her head.

“I’m done trying to get you to believe my opinion. I’m just done.” I grunted before strutting out of the room.

My heart ached for her but I pressed through the pain. I pushed my way out of the school doors and jogged to my car. I opened the door before jumping into the driver’s seat of my shiny silver truck. I have to get out of this dare. I’m too involved and I’ll be dammed if she changes me.

I pulled out of the lot, and even though  I didn’t know where I was going, I knew where I would end up.

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