Ch 14 Dream

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I pull into the drive way and Tyler walked out of the house looking pissed off. I rolled my eyes. I turned the car off and got out

"Sam where the hell have you been"

I walked passed him ignoring him

"Don't ignore me, Sam I know you can here me"

He yells and I turn around

"Don't yell at me Tyler ive had a shitty day so shut the fuck up and stop acting like a parent"

I yell and turn around and walk away

"Is your back window busted in?"

He asks


I say and walk away. I go to my room and change into PJs and lay down. I look out the window. After 4 hours of trying to sleep I sigh and give up. I get up I go into my music room and sit down on my chair. I start mixing some songs. When I have 4 songs done i save them to my iPhone. I grab a notebook and start wrighting lyrics down.


I was at a football game with Ryan, he had his arm around me and was cheering for the team. I looked to my right and saw Paige. I smiled and turned my attention back to the game. I felt someone looking at me I looked up and saw Ryan staring at me


I ask

"Nothing your just so beautiful"

He says and starts leaning down and our lips meet I pull away and smile and so does Ryan


I bolted upright I looked around and saw I was in my music room. I hit off botton for my alarm. Was i really dreaming about Ryan and me kissing. I look down and noticed I had my lap top open and my note book. I closed my notebook and Tyler walked in


He says


I say and walk past him i was still mad at him for yelling at me he had no righ to, i am 17 years old i can take car of my self i have been for the last couple of months. I go into my closet. I look outside and the sun it shinning and there is no wind. YAY!!! warm day

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I was just worried about you"

He says and I look at him surprised

"Did you Tyler just apologize"

I ask

"Ya don't expect it to happen often"

He says and I laugh. He walks over and hugs me

"You are riding with me today and explaining the back window"

I groan

"Fine now go I want to change"

I say and he laughs and leaves. I grab a thick gray tank top with a black and white plaid shirt and a pair of light shorts. I go into the bathroom and take a shower and shave once I'm done I get dressed i roll the sleves up so they are just below my elbows. I brush my hair I decide to let it air dry. I put on eyeliner and mascara. I go downstairs and grab a cereal box and Tyler walks down stairs

"Hey want some cereal"

I ask and hold out the box. He shakes his head

"Fine more for me"

I say and start eating it right out of the box

"So did I miss anything yesterday"

I ask


He pops the 'p' I finish eating and go upstairs and grab my bag and a pair of black boots that were to big at the top but that's how they were made. I grab my bag, phone, head phones, and my lap top. I put in all in my bag and go downstairs.


I yell upstairs


He says as he runs down stairs shoving things in his baseball bag

"Whoa running late"

I ask with a laugh and he sticks his tounge out at me I roll my eyes and go into the garage. I get into the passenger seat and wait for Tyler. He throws his stuff in the trunk and gets in


He asks and starts the car


I pop the 'p'. He starts driving and then looks at me expectantly


I ask

"Explain the window"

He says in a duh tone

"I went and hung out with Cody and JT well I was dropping Cody off he admitted he had feelings for me and I said I didn't. I turned around and started driving away when I hear a crash I turned around and saw Cody with a baseball bat called his mom his mom called his dad his dad tackled him and I drove away"

I say

"Wow he's an ass. Did he say why he did it"

He asked

"No, but he said 'am I not good enough' and 'I've been there for you all these years'"

I say with a shrug

"Oh I get it. He's mad cause you dont like him back. And he was so mad he busted in your back window"

He says and I think about it

"I guess"

I say and we pull into the parking lot. I see Ryan leaning against his truck and images of my dream flashed in my mind. oh god what is this boy doing to me?

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