The end

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*2 years later*

"Are you ready"

Paige asked I looked at my self in the mirror. I had a beautiful wedding dress on. Paige and Marcus got married 6 months ago. I took a deep breathe a nodded. Paige and I stayed best friends through out high school. now I made music and was a singer. I also made music for other artists. Ryan was a professional baseball player. Paige was a 2nd grade teacher and Marcus played with Ryan. Derek was still a marine (crazy right), and Tyler was a pro player. We all got what we wanted in the end. Derek walked in wearing a black tux

"You look beautiful sis"

He says smiling and I smile back

"Lets go"

I say looking at Paige she was my maid of honor. she smiled and walked out and I followed. Derek held out his arm and I took it. He was going to walk me down the isle

"Mom and dad would be proud"

He says and I look up at him and smile. The doors open and I take a breath we walk down the isle, I look up and see Ryan smilin lovingly at me and I smile back. Derek kisses my cheek and lets go. He goes behind Tyler. Ryan's groomsmen where Tyler, Derek, Marcus, Chris, and Andrew while I had Paige, Lauren (Tyler's wife) and Shannon. I know what Shannon but she changed and we got along really well and she was nice to everyone. Ryan takes my hand when we face the priest I look up and smile at him and he smiles back at me

(Gonna pass all the boring stuff)

"Do you Sam Ross take Ryan Kelly to be you husband"

The priest asked

"I do"

I say

"Do you Ryan Kelly take Sam Ross to be your wife"

He asks

"I do"

He says

"You may kiss the bride"

Ryan turns to me and smiling evilly and I look at him confused. He grabs my waist and dips me. I laugh, he kisses me and I kiss him back. Everyone starts clapping and Ryan sets me back up

"I love you"

He says

"I love you to"

I say and we walk back down the isle to the door. We leave and I see Ryan's baseball team cheering. I laugh and look at Ryan and he shrugs. I give them all hugs, I knew all of them well since I traveled with Ryan. I went back to Ryan and we got into my car and he drove. We drove off laughing at everyone.


TADA!!! It's over! Finally done! I hoped you guys liked it. This was my first book and I'm gonna write more! Check out my page and you'll see I have another ill be working on. Thank you all for voting and commenting!


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