Chapter 1

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Just so you know, this is the first fanfic I've ever written, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I'm kinda excited about it though, not gonna lie :)

This first chapter isn't going to be very eventful, it's kinda gonna just fill you in on Troye's situation. 


and please, please, please give me advice and feedback and such because I NEED IT. 

Troye POV~

I took a deep beath in, letting the satly ocean air fill my lungs. I was cruising down the street in my black prius with the windows rolled down, and the radio blaring my favorite song. The beach was within my view and I smiled, leaning back and feeling the mild breeze flow through my hair. I arrived at a stop sign just as the song changed. I'd never heard this song before, and it was rather unpleasant. I frowned and switched the station, only to find that every single station was playing the same song. I shrugged it off, and kept driving and enjoying the sunshine. As the song continued, it soon began to sound like less of a song and more of an obnoxious beeping noise, slowly growing louder and louder...

I groaned loudly as the ocean faded away and I was brought to reality, with my iPhone buzzing and beeping on my bedside table.


I grabbed my iPhone and unlocked it, relieved when the beeping stopped. I looked at the clock and groaned again. 

"4:00 in the god damn morning... why the fuck did I choose a god damn coffee shop... stupidest fucking thing..." I mumbled to myself as I locked my phone, rolled out of bed, and trudged over to my closet. I stared at it blankly for a moment. I felt my eyes start to droop closed, and reality faded away for a few moments..

I snapped back into it with a start when my forehead collided with my closet door. Fucking fantastic, the last thing I needed was a huge bump on my head. This is why I hate mornings.

I winced, rubbing my forehead and mumbling several curse words. I opened my closet doors, and lazily pulled out a plain black t-shirt and some khaki pants. I grabbed some underwear, and headed into my bathroom.

I pulled my fingers through my hair and frowned, looking in the mirror at my bed head and purple bags under my eyes. Today was going to suck. 

I was still half asleep as I turned on the shower, enjoying the heat radiating off of the stream of water. My pajamas were now scattered across the floor as I stepped into the shower, relishing the hot water against my stiff muscles. Showering is often my favorite part of the day, because I can be really really weird and only I can judge myself.  I washed my hair, laughing at myself as I shampooed it into a mohawk.

I'm such a dork it's not even funny. (okay, maybe a little)

I stepped out of the shower, dried off, and put my clean clothes on. I couldn't get my mind off of my job. I should've been excited for my first day, but it's hard to show too much enthusiasm when you're running on about 5 hours of sleep. However, my shower did help, and I was feeling a little bit of energy.

"Now I find you in my space, I won't let go of you,

Got you shackled in my embrace, I'm latching onto you!"

Okay, maybe more than a little bit of energy. That's what I loved about having an apartment to myself, I could sing loudly and obnixiously, and no one was there to judge me.

I headed into my tiny little kitchen and opened the fridge. Still dancing around, I reached down to pull out some bread, then reached into the cabinet and grabbed a jar of nutella.

But I'm still so nervous about my job.

What if my coworkers hate me?

I stopped dancing for a moment as worry filled my head.

God damn it, I can't go a single day without overthinking everything. I popped the toast in the toaster and grabbed a banana and a butter knife.

What if my boss is mean?

I cut the banana into slices, and once the toast popped out, I spread the nutella onto the toast and strategically place the banana slices onto the toast, creating perfect symmetry, just like I did every day.

I'm a perfectionist, what can I say? 

My record player sat on the opposite counter, so I opted for some Disclosure to get my mind off of my job for a few minutes.

The music started playing, and I relaxed, despite the chaotic noises coming from my record player. I had plenty of time to relax, since I decided to wake myself up an hour early. 

I finished up my toast and headed back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. On my way back, I heard my phone buzz in my bedroom, so I went to check it. I saw a familiar name on my lock screen, so I opened my phone to read the message. 


From: Da Bon

I woke up way too early, so I figured I'd wish you luck on your first day :)) I miss you a latte :(


I loved living in San Fransisco, but I miss all of my friends in LA like crazy. When I decided to move, I left behind a lot of people I loved, including Connor Franta, my best friend. It wouldn't be easy, but I kept telling myself that I could get through it, and that I'd see him often enough to get by.

I already miss everyone else in San Fran, but I felt extra bad about leaving Connor. He was always there for me, a shoulder to cry on, and basically the best friend you could ask for.


To: Da Bon

Thanks concon, I'm gonna need it :) I miss you a latte more :(


I set my phone down, and still jamming out to the dj-jesus-like noises that were coming from my record player into my bathroom to brush my teeth. 

I groaned, and pulled out my hair product. My hair never liked to cooperate with me in the morning, even after I'd showered. It was a curse.

Once my quiff has been sculpted to perfection, I danced my way back into my bedroom, smiling like a doofus.

Connor had a weird effect on me, that I couldn't explain for the life of me. 

I grabbed my keys and danced out the door, locking it behind me. 

I was finally ready to take on the day. 




I really really hope you guys like this bc I'm shaking rn now out of nervousness. 

I think the next chapter will be from Tyler's POV, so you get get in on this whole mind-control thing (which I'm so excited about btw omg)


stay flawless, my chocolate-covered coffee beans <3<3

twitter: @sivanmellet and @emily_soder

tumblr: itstroylertime

instagram (idk) :@emxlysxder

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