Chapter 2

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~Tyler POV~

You know how when you were really little, you would watch Star Wars then pretend that you could use the force?

Or how you would watch Matilda then try to move things with your eyes?

Maybe that was just me.

See, the thing is, I'm a 22-year-old man and I still do it.

But I'm not pretending anymore.

It all started when I was about 8. My mom was really sick, and she had been for about 3 days. Being the precious little angel I am, I decided to make her some tea. But this couldn't be any tea, it had to be the best god damn tea this lady had ever consumed. I put so much crap in that stupid teacup. I think there might have been some chocolate syrup, maybe some random spices I found in the spice cabinet, lord knows what else. 

I had the little cup of tea on a little plate with a chocolate chip cookie, and as I was walking into the living room to give it to her, being the little mama's boy that I am, I thought to myself, "I wish she would get better really soon because it makes me so sad to see her like this." As the thought crossed through my mind, my finger slipped from the rip of the cup where it had been resting, into the now lukewarm cup of tea. 

I wiped the my finger off on my shirt without a second thought, and continued into the room where my mom was lying down, shaking her gently to wake her up. 

"Wake up, Mom. I brought you something." I practucally whispered, still lightly shaking her. As her eyelids slowly parted, she saw me standing there and smiled, accepting the plate I was holding in front of her. She took a sip of the tea and shivered, probably due to the vile taste. 

Not ten seconds later, she shot up, a strange sparkle in her eyes, hugged me and said, "thanks for taking such good care of me. I love you." And with that, she got up off of the couch for the first time in 3 days and went into the kitchen to make dinner. 

Needless to say, I got a few ideas. I started experimenting with my newfound power, making all kinds of smoothies and juices for all of my family members, just to see how far it would take me. I can remember countless occasions in which I made hot cocoa for everyone in my family, dipping my finger in each of their cups ever so slightly, thinking something along the lines of, "I hope they forget to open the door and run into the glass" or "I hope the dog pukes on their favorite shirt."

However, there came a day where these childish shenanegans just didn't do it for me. I had been working at a coffee shop for about a month, and I very much enjoyed messing with all of the customers, like I used to do with my siblings. But one day, I had an idea. What if my little power could control not only actions, but emotions?

This thought crossed into my head just as a very, very attractive man walked in. He ordered his coffee, and I got an idea. As I was preparing his drink I thought to myself, "I hope I see this man later tonight and take him home with me" as I discreetly dipped my finger into the hot coffee. I handed him his coffee when I was finished making it, cursing silently at myself for being so thirsty. 

Sure enough, later that night after I had gotten off work for the day, I was buying groceries when I saw a familiar face in the cereal aisle. One thing led to another, and I woke up the next morning with him beside me in my bed. 

From that day on, I realized I could basically get whatever I wanted. I could force feelings onto people, resulting in a lot of amazing hookups with no strings attached. 

However, there would come a day when I got sick of it all. I eventually got sick of all the pointless hookups and decided that I should just let the universe do its thing and see how I could do on my own. Which brings me to the present. 

Whole Latte Love- Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now