Chapter 1- Our almost encounter

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No one's P.O.V

Jimin woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm and groaned as he got up and ruffled his already messy, orange-tinted hair. He slowly walked to his dresser to retrieve his clothes for his first day at his new school. Knowing it'll be the same first day at all his other schools, he didn't want to get there that early.

Another loud noise echoed through his ears immediately making him rush to get ready.

"PARK JIMIN! Get your lazy ass downstairs or you'll be late for school!" Jimin's mom yelled.

"Yes, eomma," Jimin replied. His mother might seem like a mean person at first but really she is the most loving, caring mother to Jimin. I mean after Jimin came out as being gay, she was a little shaken but got over it as no one else matters to her except her only son.

After he finally got dressed, he went downstairs to be greeted with the wonderful scent of pancakes and so he plopped himself down on one of the stools and ate his breakfast.
Soon after, his mother stood beside him wearing a worried face as she examined her only baby.
Jimin caught on and comforted her with a hug."Don't worry, eomma. I will be alright"
"I just don't want my sweet baby getting hurt again."
"I'll be fine I need to walk to school now."
"Are you sure? If you want I can take you to school just in case you get hurt on the way"
"Eomma it's literally five minutes away from our house! I will be fine." He reassured her and left his house whilst waving a goodbye to his mother.

Jimin's P.O.V

The walk was quite lonely in fact but I just shrugged the feeling off and continued my way to Bangtan high school.
In my head, I thought about what could possibly happen there, Bullies pinning me to the lockers, being humiliated in my first class, messing up my introduction and being laughed at OR WORSE...being ambushed in the cafeteria. All thoughts aside when I finally reached the gates of the school. I then opened up my bag and pulled out a schedule and walked around the school to find my class. While I did I felt as if I was being watched, curiosity in my mindset I turned my head and noticed a figure glancing at me with sharp eyes. An odd feeling came over me and faint blush covered my cheeks until the figure turned to a group of people and turned his gaze away. What was that feeling. I thought.

I ignored it and proceeded to my class. Nervously, I walked in and saw people staring at me and then returning back to their own conversations.
The teacher finally noticed me standing next to his desk and shouted to his class to pay attention.
"Oh you must be Mr Park Jimin, I am Mr. Kim,"He said "CLASS SHUT UP AND LOOK THIS WAY!"
The students went silent and they all looked at me in both confusion and slight disgust. "Please introduce yourself short boy." Mr. Kim demanded.
"Hi, m-my name is Park J-Jimin. Recently, moved here from Busan and I hope we can all be friends," I spoke shyly.
Voices from the girls were echoed throughout the room.




"Don't get your hopes up he's probably gay or something" One of the boys said in an almost jealous tone.

Then all of a sudden laughter filled the room until Mr. Kim shushed them.
"You need a seat. I'll put you next to....
Min Yoongi." I noticed that it was that figure I saw in the hallway.
Sudden gasps were heard around the room but I didn't understand so I sat down next to him without making eye contact.
As the lesson went on, I couldn't focus as the boy next to me didn't acknowledge me and the same feeling crawled into me. I thought. He looks kinda scary but he looks so God damn handsome... Wait What?! Jimin what are you thinking? You don't even know him yet why do you feel this way? I was so distracted that the lesson was over and everyone left for lunch I think.

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