Chapter 3 - I'm sorry

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Yoongi's P.O.V

We were now walking to our next class as I held his gentle baby hand so cute.
We were about to reach the class door, but I saw my friends heading towards us. I didn't want them knowing I liked Jimin, so I decided to fake push him into the wall and start throwing punches at his sweet face. I am so sorry baby but I can't lose my friends. I will explain later, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Tears formed in his eyes and his bottom lip began to swell up. I had to make this as real as possible, I hate myself for doing this to my sweet, innocent baby but I just had to.
The others noticed what I was doing and they began to join in. They harmed him harsher than I did and soon left him pale and laying on the floor.

"Told you he didn't go soft on us! Ha pay up boys!" Hoseok cheered in satisfaction as the others shoved their money into his rough hands.

I really wanted to punch him in the face but instead I smirked to hide my monstrous anger. I then yelled at Jimin
"That's what you get nerd!," I scoffed

I turned my head away from Jimin, a guilty tear leaving my eye.

I'm sorry...

I apologise for not posting last Saturday and for this short chapter that sucks so badly
Love u guys~💘

I leave with this
Forgive me if u can't rly read it

I leave with this Forgive me if u can't rly read it

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