Devil in Disguise

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Who knew riding a horse was worse than walking? 

I was traveling already for a full day and everything was horrible. My thighs felt like they were being scrubbed by the sandpaper, the sun dried my tongue to a raisin and the headache was worse than a hangover. At least the sun was finally settling down and the refreshing evening breeze was massaging my cheeks. 

Nevertheless, a full day of riding in a hot sun took a toll on me. The eyelids felt so heavy and I needed a rest, the horse maybe needed it more. He or she was dragging the hooves slightly on the road, clearly expressing disapproval of such long journey. I closed my eyes for a slight second and reached within. Slowly my mind wandered and came in touch with the life bubble inside me. It seemed a tad bit dull and about one third empty. My mind traveled further and looked for the life of the horse under my burning thighs. It seemed even worse, small ripples traveling through the vitality inside as I touched it ever so slightly with my mind. 

I took a deep breath and started sending short waves of life from my own body to the horse. With my legs I could feel the animal standing up straighter and springing his legs higher in the air, increasing the pace of our journey. This would keep us moving for at least four hours, as long as I could sit up straight on the back of the horse without stumbling down. It would be a pity though, surviving the storm at sea and drowning in a puddle. 

All jokes aside I felt my body crumbling slightly. A few drops of blood left my nose and ran down my arm. I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible and stay upright. Just don't fall. Please, don't fall. 

Once the last rays of the sun kissed my eyes I heard a pair of riders behind me. They were approaching fast and I pulled the hood over my head to shield my face from hostile looks. Just as they came in a looking distance behind me, they slowed down their horses and now I could feel their presence getting closer. I waited for a shout. But only silence remained and the sound of the hooves of three horses on the dirt. 

They were following me. I felt them so close, only a few meters behind me. But I could not make my horse go faster or turn around to look at them without displaying my face, which I tried to keep hidden in case a traveler from my village crossed my path. 

Suddenly I saw red and a sharp pain, like a butcher's knife, slashed me all over my back. Well, shit, I thought falling down the horse. This is how I am going to die. 

However, a strong pair of hands caught me on my way down and my head never got a chance to try its strength on the pavement. I looked up only to see a hooded figure hovering above my face and my eyes gradually saw black.

Seemingly centuries later I finally regained conscience. Gradually the understanding of my surroundings came back to me and a sharp pain in my back welcomed me to the sweet reality. It was deep into the night and I was dropped back on my horse, thrown on my stomach, spilling through the sides of the wide back of that animal whose reins were held by the man who so chivalrously caught me. My hero, I thought and laughed sarcastically inside. In front of him was another rider, also in a black hood, talking with the previous fellow. 

"... she better be the one we need. I would have preferred to kill her right there and then. Who cares if she is just an unlucky passenger? The war requires sacrifices."

My hero grunted, clearly regretting his decision to ride with that moron

"Shut up. We don't kill our people." 

Oh, alright, so I was either getting killed or let go, depending on the side I was on. Only one problem- what freaking sides were there?! I really wished I was on the right one. 

My horse suddenly came to a halt and the first man dismounted. The second gave me a look and I pretended, rather well, to lay limp. The 'hero' left the back of his horse and with quick strides arrived next to me. I felt him near my legs, where suddenly a pair of muscular arms tucked on them and dragged me off the horse, again catching me in the last minute. Ah, so this gentleman had a style with the ladies. He cradled me in his arms, which may I say, was not a very heavy duty, as I was myself not very heavy, and carried me. Where? Well, that I did not know. 

A sudden bright light hit my eyes and it took real strength not to wince. Without opening my eyes I guessed we were inside a hut, a sudden wave of warmth cuddling me. The man carrying me crossed the room quickly and dropped me, rather ungallantly, on a wooden table. A horrendous pain struck my back, where the mysterious wound was inflicted. I screamed out.

Well, there was no point anymore to pretend to be unconscious. I opened my eyes and was blinded for a moment by the bright light. Two men stood on both sides of the table, on which I was so softly put and watched me. I looked at both of them and asked a very reasonable question, 

"May someone in this freaking shack explain me what in the hell is going on?"

None of them expected me to be so angry. Well I was, and I felt like I had a right to be. However, a fast lift of my head brought black clouds back over my eyes, and I had to remind myself that inside I was truly weak. 

The men took of the hoods and I saw their faces. The moron who wanted to kill me did actually look like a moron. Small eyes, way too close to each other and a brown wisp of hair, covering his extensive forehead. The hero looked quite nice actually. Deep set black eyes and  thin lips, pressed in disapproval, watched my every move. 

"Well? Are you both as stupid as you look or did I ask the improper question? Please pardon me, I would not like to insult such gentlemen like you, never-mind the occasional women kidnaping from the roads. Happens even to the best." 

With those words the red came back over my eyes and another agonising slash tore my back. I screamed and curled in pain. I looked up and with instant realised that it was the black eyed devil that was doing it to me. He must have been gifted as well. Well well well. Two people could play this game. 

And I was about to show what kind of devil I was. 

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