End of Me

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"Look relaxed, maybe even drunk. As far as they will be informed - you are just some rich, noble girl I was taking to my bed and we stopped here on the way. The people that have to be dead by morning are the blonde, short woman and the old man with silver hair. You pick which one you want."

We were walking slowly towards the building in front of us. I was not exaggerating when I say that it was in the middle of nowhere because it was.  Both to our left and right miles and miles of grass fields lay and only one road led here. Hopefully, we would be the ones to ride out on it by the time morning came. The house in front of us was rather small but extremely luxurious, with statues and marble decorating its walls, however, its small, dark windows reminded me of a prison. 

"I will take the woman. We, females, have had enough of men hurting our sex. How many people are inside?"

Alexander furrowed his brows, rolled eyes and wrapped my hand around his, "You have suspicious reasoning for doing things. Inside will be from ten to fifteen people, give or take. They are suspecting my move against them after all."

I sighed and mumbled under my breath, "so this is how I will die."

We finally reached the doors and he knocked four times and patiently waited. I tried to slouch a little and lean on his hand a bit too much in order to appear intoxicated. His facial expression clearly showed that such closeness of us annoyed him. 

The doors opened wide and a fat, just as drunk man spread his arms to welcome us. Alexander's face became even more annoyed and he pushed past him inside, dragging me along the way. We entered a huge main hall, with stunning chandeliers decorating the ceiling and golden light engulfing the room. 

People were drunk here, a strong stench of wine hit my nose. Around forty house guests were having a party and it was coming to its climax. The drunk part was amazing for us, but with so many people it will be difficult to stay fast and unnoticed. I was surprised as seemingly very rich people were partying here, gorgeous women and fancy men. I even noticed a few children playing in the corner. 

An older, graying man approached us and I let my sight to go out of focus in order to appear as tipsy as possible. He pressed Alexander's free hand and I felt his gaze on me. 

"Someone new?"

Alexander breathed out, "Yes, a guest in town."

The gray man laughed, "How do you always get the prettiest ones? Well, I hope she is free to share with everybody. I mean you brought her here."

I squeezed his hand in protest. This was very much out of our deal. 

"Yes absolutely. She is all yours. I already had mine."

Suddenly a feminine voice came from behind us, 

"Alexander, dear, you came. And who is this beauty on your arm?"

The gray man kissed the woman's hand, "This is an apology gift from Alexander to all of us for being late to the party."

"Oh, how wonderful, what a priceless gift. May I be the one to show this gift around our house?"

The man laughed but he clearly was not happy, "Of course."

The women snapped her fingers a few times and a servant boy appeared by her side, 

"Take the lady's hand and follow me."

He dragged me off Alexander's grip and I laid on his arm in order to keep up with this charade. We slowly started walking after the woman, music surrounded us and couples circled our parade in their dance. It was chaotic, it was loud and for the first time, I felt scared. 

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