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a smiley yoongi and a very aggravated taehyung were currently sitting in the back of a cab, heading towards the party.

"oh my god jimin looks so hot" the mint haired guy commented staring at the picture on his phone that had been just sent to him.


"jungkook too"


"alright. that's it. what's wrong with you?" yoongi questioned, his friend had had a bitter expression on his face since he hung up on the other pair of boys and honest to god he had no idea why. he thought he could have gotten a reaction on the other if he mentioned jungkook, but not even that was working and yoongi didn't want to have his night ruined for a petty reason.

"it's nothing yoongi, leave it" taehyung said, his fists tightening.

"but-" the car suddenly stopped and the driver told them they had arrived. taehyung abruptly left the car but not before quickly handing the man twenty bucks.

"keep the change" yoongi said and rushed after taehyung "damn you and your stupid long legs. honestly what's gotten up your ass-"

"yoongs!" he quickly turned around and was met with the sight jungkook and jimin were. he heard his best friend take a sharp breath. he was no one to judge, he felt like he could pop a boner right there.

they both were wearing fishnets, the same type and yet they looked so different.

what jimin is wearing

what jimin is wearing

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(ignore the boobs)

what jungkook is wearing

"fuck" the red haired said

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"fuck" the red haired said.

when they finally reached the pair of stunned man, they were both grinning from ear to ear, knowing exactly what they were doing.

"hello boys" jimin said, eyeing yoongi from head to toe, licking his lips slowly after. yoongi swallowed a whimper, helplessly watching the movement.

"jungkook" taehyung basically breathed his name "you look..." the younger waited anxiously, tipping the tip of his shoe on the floor in a shy manner. cute.

"beautiful" taehyung said after raking his eyes all over his body, trying to drink the sight jungkook was. jungkook in return just smiled shyly, opening his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by a loud happy voice.

"guys!" they all turned their heads and saw hoseok waving a hand as he was sprinting towards them.

when he was closer he was already gasping from the small exercise, but when he saw how the pair were dressed he nearly choked.

"j-jimin a-and ju-ung-" choke "jungkook." he gasped at the latter, practically fucked him with his eyes as he bit his lip.

and jungkook blushed. he blushed.

and taehyung was fuming.

the red head quickly jumped into action, curling a hand around the younger and telling them they should get inside. partly because he felt nauseous at the way hoseok was looking at what was his, because even if he won't accept it to himself he already felt attached to the younger, but also because he saw jungkook lightly shivering because of the wind.

when they were inside they were instantly met with the wave of heat of the hundreds of people and their sweat. gross to think about but at least jungkook wouldn't be cold now with only that shirtdress.
they all head towards one of the booths on the second floor, where you could watch what was going on in the club.

"want a drink?" he whispered in jungkook's ear, trying really hard to ignore his best friends red face due to the hand jimin was slowly raising more and more in his thigh. just, no. ew.
jungkook smiled at him and gave a little nod.

"hi" shit what drink do i get him. think taehyung, think "could you give me a margarita, please?" eh save enough.

"sure, sir. that'd be fifteen dollars" taehyung quickly handed the money and waited for the drink.

he was running his eyes through the crowd of bodies when he saw a familiar red shirt stand out from the others. jungkook?
the body turned around and yeah definitely jungkook, but what had taehyung digging his nails in his hands and completely ignoring the call from the bartender was the pair of hands, very much gripping tightly at his waist, very much hands linking to hoseok.
he was walking quickly towards them, using his long legs for a good reason for once when hoseok lowered one of his hands and hooked two of his fingers in the fishnet of the younger, his hand on the inside of his tight very near his private area.

and yeah taehyung saw red. but for some reason he forced a blank expression in his face and lowered his pace.

jungkook felt him before he saw him, he felt his intense eyes and just his presence in general, quickly spinning his head towards his direction

"jungkook" he didn't hear the words but he felt them in his head, he quickly separated his body from hoseok and opened his mouth, probably in a word vomit trying to explain himself. of course, taehyung had other plans.

"your drink is in the bar, payed and all for you princess. enjoy your night." and with that taehyung turned around and left the club, leaving a shrinking jungkook behind.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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