Try Again

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A/N- WARNING this chapter will use a tiny bit of thoughts about Self Harm. Credit to the owner of this artwork/fanart.

Jimin P.O.V-

I woke up to the smell of freshly baked breakfast, I opened my eyes and noticed that I was still in the hospital. C'mon I can probably leave today, all I did was faint because I was grieving the loss of my child.

"Jimin, wake up Baby, I brought you some breakfast"

I knew that voice anywhere.

"Thank You Jungkookie" I said with a smile.

"Jimin, you are aware that even if we lost Jungmin doesn't mean we cant have another child" Jungkook said with a sadden expression.

"Believe me, I know that Kookie, I'm just not ready to go through it again, not until I have come out of my grieving stage." I said with a more sadden expression.

"I know that sweetie and I will wait as long as you need" Jungkook said with a slight smile.

"That's why I love you, come here" I said as he started walking to my bed and I pulled him down behind his neck for a kiss, as I deepened it.

"Woah, its getting pretty steamed up in here" Someone said walking inside the room.

Jungkook and I both looked up to see Tae and Hoseok.

"Hey, Guys" We both said in sync.

"Haha, you two are both adorable" Hoseok said cooing.

"Jimin and Jungkook, I'm so sorry for your loss" Tae said sincerely.

"Its ok, its not your fault, Tae" Jungkook said since he saw me getting emotional again.

The door creaked open again, this time showing the Doctor.

"Hello, you must be the friends the couple mentioned, if you wouldn't mind I would like to have a chat with Jungkook and Jimin" The Doctor asked trying not to sound rude.

"Ok, we will come back after guys. Good Luck" Tae and Hoseok said as they waved goodbye walking out the door.

"Right, now that we are alone. I would like to inform you some happy news"

"Wait, what is it?" Jungkook said hoping it had something to deal with their loss.

"Jimin can go home today"

"Oh, thank you" Jungkook said looking down thinking it was about the baby, when it wasn't.

"I understand you thought it was about the baby. I am still very sorry for your loss."

"Its fine, its not your fault, lets go home Jimin" Jungkook said to me.

Jungkook P.O.V-

We were walking home and when we got back home there were millions of people at the front of our house in black clothing, mourning our babies death too, kneeling down and praying. They made a path for Jimin and I to get to our front door.

"Kookie, I want to go and sleep" Jimin said to me as we walked inside our house.

"Ok, sweetie. I will just start preparing dinner. I'll get you when it is ready. Sleep well honey" I said cutely as I saw him nod and then walk upstairs. I don't know why but I didn't like the idea of him being alone right now.

Jimin P.O.V-

I went upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I looked through the cabinet harshly trying to find what I needed, but before I could find it my eyes caught on to something sharp. I picked it up and It was a shiny silver blade. Maybe It would take my pain away? I thought.

"Jimin, Dinner Time" I hear Jungkook call from downstairs.

"Coming" I yelled back at him.

I quickly placed the blade pack into its original spot and went downstairs for dinner. Jungkook and I were sitting across from each other at the dining room table, eating normally like a couple would.

"So, did you have a nice nap?" Jungkook asked me.

"Yeah, it was nice and relaxing" I lied through my teeth.



"Please don't do anything stupid to try and ease the pain that we are both feeling"

"I'm not going to"

"Jimin, please. You know I know about your past life with harming yourself. Don't do it please, I cant live without you Jimin. I want to marry you and have a family with you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you" Jungkook said tearing up.

"Kookie, I'm sorry" I said on the verge of tears with my head hung low.

"What? Jimin don't tell me you were thinking about it, again" Jungkook asked me with worry in his voice.

I nod my head slowly.

"Oh, Jimin, shh" Jungkook said to me as he got up out of the chair to pull me into his embrace. I cried into his shoulder continuously.

"Jimin, look at me" Jungkook said sternly.

I looked up at Jungkook with pleading and glittering eyes.

" I will remove all the blades in this house just to protect you from your other side of depression." Jungkook said looking at me directly in my eyes.

When he said to protect me from my other side, he was right because I was harming both sides of me and I need to stop. I haven't done it in 2 years and here I was thinking about it again.

"C'mon, lets just go to bed ok. I'll carry you, how does that sound?"

I just nod.

He picks me up bridal style and lies me in bed gently, kissing my forehead and waits before I fall asleep because he knew if he tried to remove the blades when I was awake, I would try to stop him and beg that I wouldn't do it again, but It just came back to me to do It over and over again.

I felt the bed sink and I open my eyes to see Kookie lying beside me, covering both of us up.

"All, Done Sweetie. Hidden somewhere you will never find them to try and harm yourself again. Understand?"

"Understood, My Knight In Shining Armor" I said as I placed a quick peck on his lips to reassure him I will still be with him forever.

A/N- If any of you are thinking of self harm, please don't do it and seek help immediately. I used to have suicidal thoughts and I went to seek help and I'm ok now. But please if any of you are like this just remember there are people who really do love you a lot. I even love all of you a lot. But, please just seek help before it is too late. There are numbers you can ring, like the kids helpline or you can even talk to a councillor or someone with whom you trust.

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