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Author P.O.V-

Jimin and Jungkook exchanged each others vows and shared a long passionate kiss and saying I do to both of each other in front of everyone, Jimin and Jungkook walked away from the party to go sneak around for a bit until they saw Hoseok clenching his stomach looking like he wasn't well and then they heard him let out a high pitched squeal. Jimin let go of Jungkook's hand and ran over to comfort his friend whilst Jungkook went to find Tae.

"Aghhh...Jimin it hurts" Hoseok screamed in pain looking up at me with tears brimming his eyes.

"Hoseok what hurts?" Jimin asked sincerely worried for his best friend.

Hoseok just looks down at his stomach that he is still holding tightly with every wince he clenches tighter. Jimin started to panic for him and prayed Jungkook would get back with Tae soon.

"JIMIN!" Hoseok screamed.

"Yeah" Jimin was taken out of his trance.

"Taeok cant wait, she wants to come now. Not today, not tomorrow, NOW!"

"Just breath Hoseok, Jungkook is grabbing Taehyung right now" Jimin tried to stay calm.

"Jimin, she and I cannot wait. Talk me through the process"

"What? I don't know what to do thoug-"

"Please Jimin. Im in so much Pain" Hoseok said with pleading eyes.

"Ok, Ill try to help but I promise I wont be as good as a nurse"

"Jimin, just shut up and help me"

Jungkook P.O.V-

Far out! Where is Taehyung. Aghhh...he is so dead if I cant find him for his childs birth.

"TAEHYUNG" I screamed through the crowd. Everyone just stopped and stared at me wondering what was going on. I didn't mind the stares and looks I got. I started asking around and no one had seen him. All of a sudden out from the crowd stood a male with mint hair. Min Yoongi? What is he doing here? Is here trying to get Jimin back? Is he trying to spoil our day? Yoongi walks up to Jungkook and stares at him straight in his eyes with a smirk.

"I may know where Taehyung is?"

"Where is he Yoongi?" I growled.

"Ooo. Fiesty aren't we today. He may or may not be in the woods" Yoongi histerically chuckled.

I bolted into the woods after I heard Yoongis words. My heart didn't stop pounding against my chest. I kept running like my feet were on fire and halted to a stop once I heard coughing. I looked behind the bushes and saw Taehyung covered in blood, dripping down from his heart. I walked over to him pulling him into an embrace, holding his lifeless body in my arms.

"Tae. Tae. Tae please wake up. Tae" I said screaming letting tears brim my eyes whilst trying to slap Taehyung to keep him awake. I tried to keep my tears in seeing his lifeless body in my arms.

"Tae, You cant leave Hoseok"

"Jungkook.Tell. Hoseok. I. Love. Him" Tae said stopping between each words, drifting off in my arms going to the world of where each and every one of the wolf pack goes once dying. He dead stopped breathing in my arms as he closed his eyes and now I knew that Tae was officially gone and I was going to get revenge on Min Yoongi for killing Tae and using Jimin. So, without hesitation I bolted back to where Jimin and Hoseok will be with the worst news yet to come.

Jimin P.O.V-

Helping someone giving birth is defiantly going to be a no for me. I'm not doing this ever again. I mean there is so much blood and so much sweat, I don't know what to even do. Also the atmosphere gets very humid.

"Hoseok, one more push and you should be right" I said calmly trying not to get my angry hormones to go wild and start swearing or cursing. Either one. Hoseok pushed once more until we both heard crying. I ripped the sleeve of my shirt and wrapped it around Hoseok's baby girl and gave her to him.

"Here is your healthy little Taeok, Hoseok" I giggled cutely handing Hoseok his little one.

"Jimin, she is so precious, just like her father. Would you like to be her uncle since I don't have a brother and well you are like my brother Jimin?"

"Oh, Hoseok. I would love too. Thank you"

"Jimin" I heard a voice panting.


"I need to speak with you urgently, like now"

"Ok, I'm coming. Hoseok I will be right back, don't move"

"Its not like I can"

Jungkook took me not too far away from Hoseok so we can keep him in view just incase something goes wrong, but hopefully not because the delivery went well and I had already called the Ambulance after Jungkook left to find Tae.

"Is this about Tae? Where is he?" I asked curiously.
"Jimin. Tae he h-" Jungkook couldn't even finish but I gave him a reassuring smile so he could finish.

"Yoongi killed Tae. Jimin what am I going to do. He was always there for me when we weren't together anymore. Tae practically raised me to be the man I am today. Most importantly what about Hoseok?" Jungkook cried out as I pulled him into my embrace.

"Oh, Kookie. I'm so sorry. But please let me talk to Hoseok on my own since I know him more than you."

"Ok. I will tell everyone to go home"

"Thanks Kookie. But if you don't mind. Can Hoseok live with us so we can help him with his baby, even though we have ours still coming along, Hoseok is going to need the support." I said looking down. Jungkook lifted my chin.

"That Is no hassle with me" He said giving me a quick peck on the lips before running off to tell everyone that the ceremony is over.


Hunt Me Until I'm Yours ;) (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang