Chapter 2 A sad time

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Crash! Down came another bolder and hit the twins again. Luckily, Sam managed to ecscape but Sophia was stuck between her presents and and two heavy boulders. "What do we do!?!?
Yelled her sister. "Calm down, we'll get her out," Lola said camly.
The squad ran forward and tried to lift the bolders but they were to heavy. "I hear breathing!!" Tommy shouted. Quickly, they ran back because the boulders were slowly moving up. The huge rocks started to crack. Bam! Sophia came bursting out. She was holding some sort of wand. "What just happened?" Lola asked.
"More importantly, what is she holding?!? Shouted Sam.
"Its....Its a wand that I stoll from Older Bolder. I saw him on my watch so I tried to break the rock so a piece would hit him," Sophia said looking down with shame. Sophia had cuts and bruses with a huge scar down her leg. "I'll get your mum so she can take you to hospital." Said Tommy. James and Sam helped her up and took her to the car. Her mum drove very quick because she saw it happen but the squad didn't know. Everyone was crying but Sam locked her bedroom door and didn't come out. By the way, if your wondering who Older Bolder is, he's the villian of the story.

The 3 kids have been at school for 5 weeks now and still haven't seen or heard from the twins. Everyone started to get woried. Lola, James and Tommy sat togther at lunch to plan a visit to see Sam and Sophia. So after school they went to the twins house to find out whats happening.

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