Chapter 3 The twins

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They are at the twins house and are spying on the girls. They are sat in the living room with their mum and dad (you could see the huge scar down Sophia's leg!). Sam turned her head and almost saw Lola. "Feww! That was close!!" Tommy whispered. They all walked into the living room and hid behind the sofa. The twins dad came over and saw James's bright addidas trainers. "Why did you wear those!?!?" Cried Tommy.
"They were the only addidas pear I had!" James replied. Lola looked down and shook her head. The dad came over and nealded down infront of them and said, "What are you doing in my house?"
"Errrrrrrrrrrrrr..........." They all cried together. Quickly they all got up and ran whilst shouting at the twins to meet them in the park at 5:00.

2 hours later.........
The twins walked down a path and saw Lola, James and Tommy.
"What was that all about?" Said Sam.
"What do you mean?" Asked James. The twins looked at eatchother and laughed. "Derrrr, breaking into our house stupid!" Giggled Sophia. The twins ran away and started to cry. The 3 kids looked down. They were ashamed of their selfs.

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