Chapter Ten

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I set up a makeshift bed on the couch in the living room area. I fluff up the pillows one last time before I plop down onto my bed and wait for Eunhyuk and Siwon to get here. Because of the way the rooms were split up, Siwon and Eunhyuk ended up sharing a room with Jayeon and Sungmin. Since she wants to tell Sungmin the good news tonight, I agreed to have the extra people in that room in mine.

There's a knock on the door, so I get up and let my roommates for tonight. I greet them as they walk in and shut the door behind them.

"Thanks for having us here, while Sungmin-hyung and Jayeon have the room for themselves," Siwon says. "I don't get why now they need to have a date night, but they do."

Eunhyuk and I glance at each other and then to Siwon. "I think when you find out why, you'll understand," I say.

"You know the reason behind this surprise date?" He stares down at me.

I smile up at him and show Siwon to his bed. Naturally, I would've took the couch, but the two of them refused that option because I have to look my best tomorrow for the auction. So, instead I'm going to be sharing the bed with Eunhyuk tonight — I'm going to make sure that there is a barricade of pillows between the two of us.

Siwon goes into the bathroom to change into pajamas. I sit on my bed and Eunhyuk sits in the chair in the living room area. We don't talk to one another as the TV plays. Siwon exits the bathroom and Eunhyuk enters the empty room.

"We should go to bed soon," Siwon suggests.

I nod along with his words. Tomorrow is a big day, we're putting the plan into action and I'm going to see him. I begin to build the pillow barricade. I hear the bathroom door open, but I continue to make the barricade.

The bed dips down a little and I glance over to see Eunhyuk. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Building a pillow barricade," I reply. The two boys chuckle at my response.

"Why?" Eunhyuk inquires.

"Because." I finish building the barricade and glance over to Eunhyuk and Siwon, whom are still laughing at my construction.

I get up, grab my pajamas and go over to the bathroom. "I'm going to change now, don't destroy my pillow barricade," I tell them.

Eunhyuk removes himself from the bed and plops down into the chair. I nod and walk into the bathroom. I get changed into my pajamas, brush my hair and teeth and exit the bathroom. The moment I open the door, Eunhyuk immediately shoves me back in with his hand over my mouth. He shuts the door behind him and locks it.

I stare at the red head in confusion. I drop the clothes in my hands and scan over his face. Something seems to be off about Eunhyuk.

"Why did you do that?" I ask.

"Your phone." He hands over my phone and I take a look at it. I have a missed call from an unknown number, it left a voicemail, and a text in the group chat with Kiran and Jayeon.

I check the text and I'm really confused by it. I glance up at him and then back to my phone. I take my phone out of his hands.

"Why didn't she tell him?" I mumble to myself.

"I don't know."

I quickly type up a text asking why she didn't tell him.

Jayeon: He seemed pretty stressed right now because of your case and I don't want to drop this bomb on him.

Me: That makes sense. I hope you can tell him soon.

"Why didn't she tell him?" Eunhyuk wonders.

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