Chapter Twenty-one

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Eunhyuk and I exit the room and run into some people. I stare at their faces as guilt begins to wash over me.

"Byunghee-unnie!" The two girls shout. A smile goes across both of their faces.

I stare at them as I try to come up with something to say. Eunhyuk elbows me, I glance up towards him and he uses his brown eyes to gesture for me to talk to them.

"Hi Jayeon and Kiran," I greet.

Jayeon and Kiran glance between us and then at each other. "Is there something going on between you two?" Kiran asks.

"No," I answer. "Why would you think that?"

"You two exit Eunhyuk-oppa's room together, then shared a silent conversation and he's standing extremely close to you, like he might as well be holding you," Jayeon explains.

Eunhyuk and I see how close we're standing to each other, it is pretty close like Jayeon says. The two of us take a giant step away from each other.

"We aren't dating," I state.

"You have been AWOL for weeks, Oppa has been talking about you for weeks as well, you two are temporary living together and you're saying nothing is going on between you two," Kiran says.

Eunhyuk and I nod at the two girls.

"We don't believe it," they say.

"Well it's true, right Eunhyuk?" The three of us glance towards Eunhyuk.

His dark color eyes shift between the three of us. He smiles and nods. "There's nothing going on between us," he says.

"See told you guys."

Eunhyuk waves to us as he leave the three of us alone. Jayeon and Kiran link our arms together and take me to Jayeon's room so we can catch up.

The three of us sit down on the bed. I look over Jayeon and she's beginning to show. They inform me on the health state of the baby and everything is completely fine with them. Jayeon shows me all of the ultrasounds that she has had so far.

"I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to meet your baby," I state.

"So, you'll continue to be friends with us?" Kiran wonders.

I nod. "I think it's about time that I get more friends than just Chaerin."

Jayeon and Kiran give me a hug. "We're really sorry to hear about Chaerin."

I glance between the two girls. "It's okay, I have a feeling that we'll find her soon."

"I think so too," they chirp.

After awhile, our conversation dies down and it gets quiet between us. I take a deep breath in before asking this super embarrassing and awkward question.

"So, how did you two know when you fell in love with Sungmin and Leeteuk?" I wonder.

The two girls choke on air and stare at me in shock. "Do you like Oppa?" They wonder.

"I don't know. That's why I need your help."

Kiran smiles at me and begins to tell me how her and Leeteuk met. "He was overseas in America because one of the cases took him and the others over there. I worked at the hotel that they were staying at while they were in America. Oppa would flirt with me and the day they left for Korea he gave me his personal number and every single way I could contact him. I talked to him for some time and at some point I just knew."

That doesn't help me at all because I don't know if I like Eunhyuk. I think I do, but a part of me isn't so sure like the other part.

Jayeon begins to tell me how her and Sungmin started dating. "Well, my family owns a pork restaurant and Sungmin-oppa use to come in almost everyday to eat lunch there. Pork might be good, but eating it that often would awful. Every time he came in he would flirt with me. After flirting with me for several month, he asked me on a date. When he did my heart was about to explode from pure happiness." She smiles remembering the day Sungmin asked her out. "Whenever we saw each other my heart constantly felt like it would explode and I think that's when I realized we were meant to be together."

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