Complete the Quote Answers

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Complete the Quote Answers

1) "The sparrow flies south for winter."

2) “I'm placing you under arrest for murder, conspiracy to commit murder and, I don't know, possibly littering."

3) ‘I’m not a butterfly,’ Jerry sobbed, as Valkyrie squirmed and wriggled beneath him.”

4) “Ghastly left him to work on his impressions, and headed deeper into the Sanctuary. He hadn’t even reached the corner when a woman called his name. He turned, watched her approach. He knew her from somewhere. She was a knockout. She was gorgeous. She was…
Oh dear God, she was Scapergrace.”

5) “The unicorn and the leprechaun would be the two main ones. The Loch Ness Monster isn’t real, either, that’s just someone called Bert.”

6) “‘If he’s the Zombie King, who are you? The Zombie Queen?’
‘He’s not the Zombie Queen,’ Scapegrace said quickly.”

7) “‘I mean a weapon you hold. You have a gun, Tanith has a sword…I want a stick."
‘I’ll buy you a stick for Christmas.’”

8) "We're not retreating. We're advancing in reverse."

9) "What would killing the Elders result in?"
"Panic? Fear? Three empty parking spaces in the Sanctuary?

10) “How do I find out? Is there a test or something?”
“Yes, we cut off your head. If it grows back, you can do magic."

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-Prysm :)

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