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"We have a reservation," Paul said once the waitress came to the front of the restaurant. Loud chatter and drinks clanking came from each filled table as Ashtyn looked over the room. Synthetic vines wrapped the red walls and big, modern chandeliers hung from the ceiling. It was an expensive, beautiful restaurant.

"Last name?" The waitress, Jule as her name tag read, gave a big smile at the young couple.

"Lahote. Paul Lahote," he returned the smile and let go of Ash's hand, placing it around her hip and pulling her close instead. "For two."

Jule furrowed her brows as her eyes scanned up and down the list, following her finger. Up and down four times before shaking her head in defeat,"I'm sorry. It isn't on here."

"What?" Paul asked with confusion and agitation written on his face. He let go of Ash and moved to look at the list. Up and down he checked, five times. "I made this reservation. I know I did."

"I'm sorry, sir," the waitress offered an apologetic smile. "One of the waiters must have written it down wrong or something. All the tables are full. There's a two hour wait. If you want to wait for that I can give you the buzzer. Once again, I'm so so sorry. You're welcome to stay though and wait."

"What the fuck do you mean? I made the reservation. We drove out here to come to this restaurant. I made the reservation. One of your waiters must have fucked this up, because I didn't," Paul clenched his jaw and shot an angry, piercing look at the waitress.

"Sir, there is no need to get angry. Mistakes happen. I'm sorry. I wish there was something we could do but we can't. All the tables are full," Jule assured him.

"Then kick someone out or do something. I made a reservation," he demanded with an increasingly angrier tone.

"Sir, I'm sor--"

"I don't want your fucking sorry. I want a table," his voice raised and ferocity dripped from it like venom.

"Paul," Ashtyn whispered. She placed her hand on his arm and gave it a slight squeeze. "Let's go. It'll be okay. Mistakes happen." Paul's jaw relaxed and his angry glare disappeared. Ashtyn smiled at the waitress and murmured an apology as she guided Paul towards the door.

"I'm sorry," he looked down at the ground like a small child whom disobeyed their mother.

Ash opened her mouth as if to say something but shook her head with a sigh,"Let's go get some dinner."

They walked for a few minutes down the sideway, past their car and past the restaurant. The lights of the city were bright enough to confuse the mind of night or day. Shops were open with mannequins and expensive hand bags. Finally, on the corner of a big street named WolfChester Road, Ashtyn grabbed Paul's hand and intertwined their fingers as they faced a little hole in the wall named Funny Dan's Burger Stand.

"What would y'all like to eat?" a grey-hair man with a heavy Texas drawl and the name tag of Dan asked once the two walked up.

"Two triples with bacon and cheese. No veggies on either please. A large fries and large chocolate milkshake as well," Paul said as he once again let go of Ash's hand and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"And for you, ma'am?" Dan asked after writing down Paul's monstrous meal.

"One single with everything on it but tomatoes and onions please," Ashtyn smiled as she looked at the menu once more,"And a vanilla milkshake please."

"It'll be out in a few. You can just wait out on one of the table benches," Dan offered

Paul smiled a thank you, paid Dan, and then walk with her over to a paint-peeling, blue picnic bench. She sat on top of it and he join her with their legs resting on the seats.

"You always eat enough food to feed four people?" Ashtyn laughed once Dan brought over the large meal.

"Never this little. 6 people is the usual," Paul laughed in between French fries.

"Oh I see," she giggled. Ash was stunned by herself. She trusted Paul enough, felt connected with Paul enough, to let her guard down and giggle. Not just laugh or chuckle or smile. Giggle. She hadn't done that in heaven knows how long. Giggle.

"I'm sorry things didn't go as planned," he sighed before taking the first bite of his second burger.

"Don't be. Ketchup-y French fries and prefect burgers is a hell of a lot better than expensive pasta," she promised after a slurp of her milkshake.

"Do you want to go out tomorrow?" Paul asked.

"Not even done with our first date and already asking for a second. Am I really that much fun to hang out with?"

"We're all going down to the beach tomorrow. Sort of a pre-bonfire party. There's food. All the imprints are coming," he bit back his lip with anticipation for the answer

Ashtyn put down her burger and looked at his amber colored eyes. She smiled, a soft and beautiful smile. And leaned in to press her lips against his. He pulled her close and they kissed in a perfect moment. Ash pulled back slightly, her smile bigger now than before as she said,"I'd love to."

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