I Will Not Lose, Or Will I?

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 The song is dedicated to SAKURA! because she is a tiny bit more helpful and less useless in these episodes. I guess.


Yuki's POV

So, after mentally freaking out, everyone got into their teams and set off into the Forest or Death, its now about 2 days after they entered. But the thing is.

What should I do?

Will Orochimaru attack MY team?

And who is he after?


No, he would have already come after me, but who in this village is important enough for him to try and kidnap?


The last sharingan Uchiha's eyes, NO!!! HE IS AFTER MY SASUKE!

O_O thats not good...

''Yuki? You alright? Yuuuuuuki?'' I blinked and saw Kakashi snapping his fingers in front of me.

''Hn?'' I grunted.

''Are you alright?'' He asked me, ''Don't worry, they will do just fine.'' My eyes widened. I stood up from the chair I was previously seated on and ran for the Hokage's, Kakashi yelling after me.

''Lord Hokage!'' I slammed the door open, ''I need you to let me enter the forest of death right now.''

He looked up from his stack of papers. ''Why Yuki-san?''

I huffed, I don't have time for this! ''Old man, just let me there right now. If you don't this will all end terribly.''


''NOW!! Innocent people are going to die, MY team are going to die if you don't let me stop this! So let me in there!'' I fumed, 

You actually care?

Yes I do Ookami, Please, let me. For once in my life, let me do something for the people who are precious to me.

I could here Oomaki thinking,

My friends, my precious friends, they brought me out of my cage, after I could not trust one single soul. They wouldn't abandon me, they wouldn't call me names, like some other people in my snow village. These people are real friends. But the one I really love.

Is most definetly Sasuke. I would follow him anywhere, to see his smile, his smirk, even just to hear him talk to me. Is the best thing I could ever ask for.

I grant you permission Yuki.

I sighed, letting out the breath I didn't know I held in, Thank you Ookami.

''If it is this urgent'' I faced the Hokage again, ''You many go now.'' I smirked.

''Thanks.'' And I poofed into the place of the second exam.

Where are they? I have been running around almost everywhere, but no sign of them!

Could Orochimaru have already got them?! No, I have to have hope.


I ran towards the place of the scream, and flipped over a tree and landed in a big clearing. There I saw Sasuke holding his neck, Naruto crouching down, Sakura too.

''What did you do to Sasuke!?'' Sakura yelled at Orochimaru. I just stared at the mess infront of me, 

I was too late.

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