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If your wondering what it says it's a song that I made up " I see dead people, I see ghosts, I see the things that hate you the most." I got some insperation from a Halloween toy that says I see dead people.

Name: Crimson Lilica

Age: 14

Basic description: Crimson Lilica is not an average teenager. She has been said to witness weird paranormal activty. She lost the blue color pigment in her eyes when she turned 8. Her eyes turned completely grey with hints of purple. She has pale skin so and grayish chemical blonde hair. She is called a ghost from time to time. She doesn't not like this nickname people at her school call her. She usally wears a dark blood red dress with long sleves. She has p.k abilities that she found out about when she was 10. She created some creature and it protects her. She lives in an  house on her own since she was 9 years old. Her parents died in a fire at her older sisters house. Her sister sometimes visits her to give her money and food. Crimson is a night owl and doesn't usally sleep. She sits in a room and creates beings beacause she is so loney. She did buy a cat ,but her sister said it was scared in the house and took it. Not much is know about Crimson.

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