The First day of being a senior

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Chelsea's P.O.V

This year is my senior year. People say Senior year is horrible but I don't believe them. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chelsea. I'm a cheerleader and a vampire. Yeah that's right, a vampire. It wasn't my choice though. I was turned into one. That's all I'm going to say. I don't like talking about it. It brings back haunting memories. Anyways back to cheer. I love to cheer. I've been a cheerleader since 7th grade. That is also how I'm going to go to college, through a cheer scholarship. After college I'm going to be a professional cheerleader(All Star cheerleader) and if I can, get acting jobs. That is why I'm going to do drama club this year. Just because I want to act not be a geek. Speaking of geek there are groups in high school of course. There are the geeks, goths, The three popular girls, the three popular guys, Athletes(Girls and Guys) they are always competing against each other to see who is better at what. Then there are us cheerleaders. That's also the group's we sit in at lunch. You would think we would be the popular ones, right? I mean we kind of are but we aren't mean we are nice and we don't like being called popular because we don't think we are better than anyone else. We think of everyone equally but we don't know everyone. Oh crap I have to go to school.

"Bye Mom, Love you."

"Love you to hun, have a good day."

At school

"Hey Chels!" Derek said.
Derek is like my brother I've never had. I'm an only child.

"Hey Der." I said with a smile on my face because he hates it when I call him that.

"You know I hate it when you call me that." He said getting mad

"Chelsea!" I heard someone yell.

"Em!" I yelled back. Em is short for Emma. I have a small group of people I hang out with besides the cheer squad. There names are Derek, Emma, Jacob (J), Sara, and Mason. Emma and Sara are on the cheer squad but Sara is a back up. We still let Sara do the cheers and chants but not the routine. Why, because of the cheer captain. It was her decision, not mine. I am the head cheerleader though. Usually the captain and I have to elaborate but I didn't get to because Jenn (Cheer captin) knew I would allow so I had no say. You may be thinking what is the difference between cheer captain and head cheerleader? The head cheerleader(Me) fills in for the captain when she is not at practices or games. So basically a back up for the captain but I can do the cheers, chants, and be in the routine.

"Earth to Chelsea." I saw someone waving there hand in front of my face.


"Mason, What happened?"

Before Mason could speak, Sara interrupted.

"You were in cheer practice and you fell while doing a pike and landed on your head."

"What I didn't even remember going to cheer practice. This day most have gone by fast." I said with my head still aching.

"So what do we talk about now." Jacob said

" You guys should NOW tell me what the nurse said!" When my head hurts I can get a bit angry.

"Oh right. Well you don't have any fractures or a concussion but she did say you are somewhat dehydrated. Meaning you need fed. She doesn't know you're a... you know but we do."

They don't call me a vampire because they know I don't like it when they call me that.

"I will be fine. I'll just go hunt an animal, not a human."

1 hour later

Em and Sara decided to spend the night with me. To make sure I was okay. All we did was stay up late watching Stranger Things and eating junk food.

Looks like the end of the day was good. I'm exciting to be writing this story. Also I need help coming up with a catchphrase. Please comment down some catchphrases I could use. Bye

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