The night of feeding pt.2

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As I walked outside I heard a car door shut.

"Hey Chels, what are you doing?" A familiar voice said. I turn around to see Cara leaning on her car drinking a can of red bull.

"Nothing." I say while trying to walk away.

"Stop. It's only 12:00 on a Saturday in the afternoon. This isn't like you. Something is up. I can tell."

"Whatever I'm doing is none of your business." I said with a slight tone.

"The old Chelsea is back, isn't she?" Cara said with the last sip of her red bull then crushed the can and threw it on the ground.


"You know I gotta tell M(Mercedes) about this right?"

"If you do..." I walked up to her and grabbed her hair as she hesitated. "

"If I do what will happen?" She hissed

I glare at her, "You know what will happen." I let go of her hair and started walking away. I see a human out of the corner of my eye. I race off towards it not making a sound. I sneak up and bite it's neck. This is Me. This is who I'm supposed to be. I turn around and see Cara slam her car door and drive off.

Sorry that the chapters are so short. I haven't really had time to sit down and write but I'll try to write more often.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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