Chapter 3

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 Before Sophie could run away the cloaked figure grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to a wooden cottage. "Hello Sophie," said the man. " Who are you," Sophie said hating the fear in her voice. The man pulled back his hood revealing a man with bright teal eyes. " Alden" Sophie said in a confused tone. " Well hello Sophie how are you," Alden said with a smile. Where am I and what is he doing here. " I bet you're wondering where you are and why your here," Alden said. It was like he was reading her mind, he wasn't. right? " Anyway you are on the outskirts of Norway and I was sent here to investigate some classified matters," Alden said putting an emphasis on classified. " What are you doing here?" Alden asked with a smirk. Sophie waited a minute trying to find an excuse but she couldn't come up with one so she said: " I told Fitz my secret and I was dying of embarrassment so I ran and teleported to here." "Ahh, I see, well let's get you back to Everglan". "NO" Sophie blurted out louder than she meant. " I can't back there," Sophie said in a worried voice. "Oh come on you have to go back," he said in a voice that told Sophie there was no arguing. As Alden pulled out his home crystal Sophie tried to prepare for what she was about to encounter. Alden counted "1  2 and 3" as he pulled her into the light. " SOPHIE" she heard her friends shouted. Fitz came over said" Can you come with me, we have to talk about, you know" Sophie knew exactly what he was talking about. "y-y-yeah Fitz what a-a-about it" Sophie managed to stutter. " Well Sophie I don't 

HeHe, a cliffhanger. I hope you enjoyed

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