Only the beginning

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Narrators POV

Peter couldn't believe his eyes or ears. He was questioning whether or not he was dreaming when watching one of his favorite YouTubers videos. All he could think to himself was

'Terry actually noticed me'

He sat in shock replaying the video over and over again not even realizing that he had gained so many subscribers in such a short amount of time. Peter had always admired Terry for so long, he had even developed a little celebrity crush on the man nothing too serious though. Peter couldn't contain his excitement and had to film a video reacting and thanking Terry for his previous video. Peter filmed the video and decided to take a break before editing. During the video he promised to follow Terry and DM him but to his surprise Terry already followed him first. Peter DMed Terry first

Peter: Hey Terry! Thank you so so much for all the love I really appreciate it. I look up to you a lot and maybe you could collab with a scrub like me one day haha. Again thank you and get back to me if you can.

Now he waits

Peter never expected someone as big as Terry to notice his existence so he was still leaning on the fact that he could be dreaming but after many pinches later he figured out he wasn't. Peter decides to get something to eat and hops up from his chair and goes to the fridge, stretching on the way. "I should really stock up on groceries" he says aloud to himself before jumping at the sound of his phones notification sound.

Peter once again shocked upon seeing Terry reply to him so quickly.

Terry: Hey no problem man just giving you the recognition you deserve! I'd love to collab with you even if it means going all the way to Austrailia lol it could also be a chance for me to tour around Australia and see some new things. If you're okay with it I can come in around a week or two. Need to get some planning done. I can't wait to collab with you Peter! Let's keep in touch <3!

Peter's jaw was basically dragging on the floor now. Terry was so nice and respectful! He even put a heart at the end! Peter couldn't deny the fact that he was fangirling really hard right now. He had even forgot he left the fridge open. Peter closed the fridge and went to his room soon after plopping onto his bed holding his phone to his chest sighing. "I can't believe this" he says before smiling like a giddy school girl just receiving a text from her crush. "I just can't believe it" Peter says before pinching himself once more to tell himself he wasn't dreaming for the bazillionth time. Realization struck when he pulled out his phone rereading Terry's message.


Peter didn't know what to do or what to say back. All kinds of thoughts filled his mind such as cutting his hair, to his attire, to the cleanliness of his house. Peter calmed down a bit before sighing to himself and saying "You have two weeks, what's the rush?" Peter decided to chit chat with Terry a little which included giving him his phone number and address seeing he'd need those things soon and he didn't want to text on Twitter for the rest of their slowly forming friendship.

Upon receiving the phone number Terry decides to call Peter since Terry isn't the type to text over calling.

Peter on the other hand began freaking out. "Calm down Peter you're over thinking just answer the call and act natural" Peter says to himself before grudgingly answering the phone call.


"Peter? Hey yeah sorry for suddenly calling haha I just prefer calling over texting it's much easier"

"Y-yeah haha" Peter laughs nervously biting his lip. Peter is sweating buckets. To him this is like meeting BTS but on a much lesser scale but to him it was still very important. Peter was hardly listening to Terry at all over his own heartbeat but snapped out of his trance to hear Terry on the other end calling his name.

"Oh sorry Terry I'm just still so... Shocked to be talking to you as if we've spoken a million times. I'm like a fan meeting their idol right now haha sorry if I seem a bit odd this is just so surprising to me"

Terry chuckles and thinks to himself 'cute' before going on with what he was saying.

"Haha its fine, as I was saying we should come up with an idea for a video. I'll be coming in two weeks and staying for one and a half weeks so mind if I crash at your place while im there? I-I mean if you do I can always find a hotel hahaha"

Peter cut off Terry's awkward laughing enthusiastically saying "Of course you can stay here I don't mind!". Terry being slightly shocked at his enthusiasm but laughing afterwards. "Okay then it's settled! You should think about some cool places to take me to while I'm there and if you think about any cool video ideas then just call or text me! It was amazing talking to you Peter and I can't wait to see where our friendship goes" Terry says. Peter was smiling to himself slightly blushing before agreeing. They say their goodbyes and Peter lets out a loud yet happy sigh. "I wonder where this will lead" before going back to editing his video.

Hello Toasts and Babynoics ^^ in Peter's video he suggests some Perry fan fic so a few of us decided to actually do it so here I am. I'm not the best writer but I think I have enough experience to make a "decent" fic. Sorry if anything is inaccurate or overly cringey or forced. I feel like having them meet so early is weird but I don't want to make this extremely long so hopefully I can make it about only 2 to 3 chapters (I plan on 3 but it can always extend into 4 so we'll see as I go on) make sure to share this with Terry and Peter so they see and if Terry sees I'M SORRY TERRY BUT PETER TOLD US TO and if Peter sees I was only fulfilling your wishes.

The beginning of a new love {A Perry Fan Fic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora