The arrival of Ch- I mean TerryTv

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*Skip ahead to the day Terry goes to meet Peter*

The day has come and over the span of two weeks Peter tidied up and bought groceries and also got a small makeover done for Terry's arrival. He still hasn't thought of any 'cool places' to take Terry to, all he could come up with was the broken Ferris wheel and his house, so he hoped Terry didn't mind just chilling at his place for.. A week and a half. Now that he said that to himself he realizes how boring it sounds.. But Peter could make it interesting.. ;) (jkjk FAMILY EFFING FRIENDLY)

Terry was on the plane making his way to Melobourne and he already notified Peter of his departure. While Terry got situated on the plane he ended up drifting off to sleep for a majority of the flight. The other majority was spent on thinking of new video ideas.

Peter on the other hand was making sure everything was perfect. The house was clean, he was clean and dressed casually. The fridge was stocked and the dogs were groomed. Peter. Was. Ready. Peter decided he'd be waiting at his house instead of picking Terry up so he didn't seem so thirsty so while he waited he watched some TV. Since he couldn't find anything interesting he ended off drifting off to sleep since it was 5 am. He slept until about 3 pm since he was up all night making sure everything was perfect. "Still about 3 hours" he said to himself. He was bored of waiting so he decided to go to the park and run for a while to calm down (Idk if Peter runs but HE DOES IN THIS STORY) for about an hour and a half before getting tired and just walking for about another half hour before heading home. By this point Peter basically forgot about Terry coming and hops in the shower because he was tired and sweaty. Peter takes LOOONG showers so he was probably in there for a little over an hour just enjoying the warmth of the shower.


Terry arrives at the airport at around 5:30 pm. He decides to take a cab to Peter's apartment which would take a while so he texted Peter saying he was in Melbourne.

Which Peter didn't see because he was in the shower.

Terry arrives at Peters place just in time for Peter to get out of the shower.

Peter lives alone so he didn't have any shame I'm walking around naked. So Peter hops out the shower and goes to get a towel and clothes. While Peter stood there naked obivious to the other man gawking at him in the room as he hummed out a random tune.

Terry stood there for a good minute eyes wide and jaw basically hitting the floor as the naked man in front of him was completely oblivious to his presence.

Peter turned around and screamed like a little girl before covering himself with the towel he was in the process of getting. Terry finally stopped staring at Peter and said "W-well um this is pretty a-awkward" while looking at the ground face red. The two stood in silence beet red for a couple minutes before Peter says "u-um I'm gonna get some clothes on and meet you back out here". Terry agrees but when Peter began walking away Terry mumbled "nice body".

"Did you say something?"

"U-u-uh n-nothing at all"

Terry said while nervously laughing. "Nothing at all" he said again quieter while watching Peter walk away this time completely. When he was gone Terry basically dropped to the floor ruffling his hair cursing himself while madly blushing for thinking and saying such things after just arriving. "Damnit Terry first you walk in on the guy naked and then proceed to call him hot" he mumbles to himself. He stands up fixing his composure before Peter has the chance to come back. When Peter came back be was dressed in a sweater that was a bit too big on him slightly exposing his collar bone and shoulders and tight black jeans. Terry smirked to himself while thinking about how cute and hot Peter looked at once. Peter on the other hand still wasn't over being butt ass naked in front of one of his idols for the first time ever meeting each other. Terry broke the silence saying "s-so uh wanna go to a cafe and grab some coffee?". Peter nodded while looking down at his hands that were fidgeting with his extra long sleeves.

While walking to a nearby cafe Peter finally musters up the courage to say "u-um I'm sorry you had to see that.. I forgot you were coming after waiting for so l-long a-and I-I-" Terry cut Peter off by putting a finger softly over his lips. "Don't worry about it Peter" Terry said before removing his finger from Peters lips as he continued with "I liked what I saw" in a low whisper loud enough for Peter to hear. Peter got chills down his spine while flushing red before looking down now very interested in his sleeves. Terry chuckled to himself he knew he had acquired small feelings for the cute younger boy. He smiles at Peter before saying "Hey is that the cafe" he says while pointing to a small neat cafe. Peter nods and the boys head into the cafe to be greeted by a young girl no older than 18 who was wearing a casual cafe uniform.. Despite the extremely short mini skirt. Terry and Peter went into the cafe and took a seat in the corner of the cafe and the waitress shortly came over to the two. When she walked she swayed her hips as if it would have some affect on the unamused boys at the table. Peter rolled his eyes before the woman even spoke

"What would you two fine men like to order?" She said with a large grin and if Terry wasn't gay he's sure he'd find her attractive. Peter was uninterested in thOTs so even though he was bi he found her repulsive due to her slutty actions. Peter scoffed and rolled his eyes before bringing his attention back to the menu. Terry speaks up saying "yeah I'd just like a black coffee". The lady writes it down on her notepad and continues on to get really close to Peter and put her hand on his shoulder saying "And what would you like to order". Peter is flipping shit in his head because this nasty hoe just touched him but Terry stepped in saying "Mind getting your slutty hands of my boyfriend and just get us both black coffees k bye" [A/N HAHAHA TERRY YOU BAD BITCH OKAY I'LL SHUT UP]. Peter turns a light shade of red but goes along with Terry's act to get the girl to go away so he flashes the girl a cocky smile. She scoffs and goes to fetch their coffee and Terry lets out a heavy sigh "finally that bitch is gone". Peter chuckled and ssid "nice act" and upon hearing these words Terry blushed and awkwardly coughed hiding his face in his arm with the cough before saying "um yeah I was just trying to help you because you seemed uncomfortable and all..". Peter laughed at Terry's shyness and accidentally blurted out "you're so cute when you're flustered". It took him less than a few seconds to realize what he said and when he did he took both hands and covered his face without caring about how obvious he was. All the while Terry was laughing obnoxiously loud at his embarrassment.

"S-stop laughing you dick"

"How can I not laugh you're too adorable for your own good"

Terry stopped laughing and cleared his throat before continuing. "No wonder that whore was flirting with you I mean you're fucking hot".

Well this chapther is kinda long but not really I guess?... I'm a mean author I haven't updated in forever yet I leave y'all with a cliffhanger. Send this to Peter to tell him I've updated again 😂 I'm a bad writer so forgive me and it is like 5 am now. I felt like I was writing this chapter forever because whenever i write I end up wanting to read other peoples fanfictions and get distracted 😂😂 I'm glad I can contribute to Peter's steadily growing community and I think we all should try. As for the future of this book I WILL TRY MY ABSOLUTE HARDEST NOT TO WRITE ANYTHING OVERLY SEXUAL BUT LIKE NO PROMISES BECAUSE AKHOEHS LB EAHDODJ I LOVE YOU PETER


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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