Chapter one

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Mistyrious person's pv

Alarm ring's."haa ok ok i'm up i'm up"says the person angrily.they get up and walk to the bathroom to wash up and then get dressed then they walk down stairs to eat cereal. Thinking:" hmm how will beca feel when she finds out that I'm alive" they smiles. They really miss Beca, shes's the only person who is not an abusive person. Who did everything to make this happier. Until that happened. How time changes everything. They think:" i need to write a letter to her, to see if she wants to stay for vacation a few weeks... hmmm" they then finish there meal, they get there things and walks out the back door of house. They live close to the beach. They walk down the stairs and the sand is so warm. They take a deep breath and smiles and they think: "haaa this is life" and walks further. Then they hear someone calling them:" hey bro how are you, wanna go for a swim ??" They smile and say: " sure Justin let me leave these stuff with the other guys" she walk to the people under the huge umbrella and says: " hey guys". One boy who's name is Jack says: " hey bro hows it going? ", " it's going great now that i'm with you guys". " what a charmer aren't ya" says Amy smiling. " oh my lady i don't know what your talking about" they say smiling back with a wink later. " anyways talk to you guys later,going swimming with Justin " they say smiling and running of to the tall guy Justin who's in the water already. " i wonder why there so happy today" says another girl smiling. " i have no clue Jesy, no clue" says Amy. With the two in the water, they think: "hmm its gonna be an interesting vacation that's for sure ".

*with the bellas*

Aubrey says: " girls we need to practice and raise money for the competition after the vacation, what are we gonna do any ideas??" . " oh!! We can wrestle some crocodiles in Tasmania" says of course fat amy smiling. " ahh no we are not gonna do that anyways we don't even have the money to go there" says Aubrey angrily. " chill Aubrey maybe something magical will happened and we go on this crazy adventure and discover secrets we kept from the group " says beca sarcastically. " come on guys be positive here " says a cheerful chloe. " of course chloe " says aubrey sarcastically. " come on girls lets finish the practice and go home" says aubrey again after that the girls sign and do as told.

*the next day*
Beca's pov

In beca's dorm:
"Hey beca" says someone. Groans "what?? " she opens her eyes and looks at kimmy jin." Theres a letter for you" kimmy jin trows the paper on beca's bed and walks out the dorm. " ahh thanks" says beca sarcastically and sees the letter.she look at who's it from and where it came from and opens her eyes so big it could fall of. "It can't be its from........."

Cliffhanger ;)

I usually don't like cliffhangers either but i wanted to see your guys reaction. The first chapter is out. Hope you like it and comment what you think. I know its short but hopefully i can make the next chapter longer.

I want you guys to comment who is this mystery person it was kinda hard to keep writing they or there or them for the mystery person but you guys will probably guess it quickly because i know you guys are smart people.
Anyways Enjoy and ill see you guys later peace out ✌🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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