Blunt End

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These are just a bunch of points.
So what's the point?
My point is that we're driven to the point where we drive the point in at pointblank range. A book full of blank pages because of a pointless pencil. Led poisoned smuges that are pointless. Timeless and hopeless. Less left in the world. Less of a point to drive in. We raise points better than kids but we tap out when the airs too thin. Those morals belong in the bin. Trashy morals heaped together "for the better". Betterment for the worst, meant in better words that are hurled to infants of the world, curled up against the warming fires of the world's backlashing hands who hands down have no love for the world when they snatch that of those who wear it on their sleeves. This has no need because all I throw is a plead to hault

Book I: Vox NihiliWhere stories live. Discover now