Flannel Phase

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Skylar's POV-

"We're going to your abuela's today". My mom yelled out from the kitchen. "I don't hate abuela or anything but why?" I asked while walking into the kitchen. "Your cousins came from Chicago to see your Tia's new baby". "Ohhh okay" I answered while nodding.

"Clean yourself up and actually put up your two feet of hair in a ponytail for once" she told me while giving me a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hip. "Fine" I said with my shoulders hunched. "You guys get ready too" she said while looking at my two siblings.

The three of us ran out of the kitchen and raced up the stairs to our room.

Once I made it, I slammed the door and immediately started choosing a presentable outfit. I chose an army green flannel with a white tank top, red converse, and ripped jeans.

"Aye no, do you ever wear anything but flannels anymore?" my mom said. I jumped at the sound of her because I didn't realize she was right there.

"No offense mama but why do just barge into my room?" I asked her with a curious but yet annoyed expression. She shrugged and stood there waiting for the answer to her question. I gave her a small, awkward smile and responded with "they're comfortable".

She shook her head and threw her arms in the air while walking out of the room. I thought the coast was clear but she then came back in peeking in by just a bit and said "wear something nice for once, I don't want your uncles to be talking about your new flannel phase". She raised an eyebrow and continued with "you know like your sweatpant phase, your hoodie phase and your only dark clothing phase". Don't judge me.

She finally left and I instantly closed the door followed by locking it just in case my mom decided on making another appearance. I sighed at the fact I now have to try and look for a new outfit. I reluctantly went back to my closet and looked through the section of clothes I never wore.

I seen at least ten dresses, a pair of dress pants, a couple skirts, about five pairs of shorts that could be identified as underwear, and other things I would never wear. I finally decided on choosing a black long sleeve shirt with some weird string pattern going across on the front and a pair of jeans with rips on the knees. I cringed at how revealing this outfit was so I went downstairs to see if it was okay with my mom. "Mama!" I yelled while running down the stairs. "No one died so stop yelling" she said from downstairs in the direction of the living room.

"Sorry, I'm checking to see if this outfit is okay". She looked at it for a second and shrugged. "As long as you don't look like a homeless person it's alright". I just gave her an annoyed blank stare as she quietly laughed at her remark. I gave a small smile and went back in my room to change.


Everyone was at my abuela's house. Well the family that lives around here anyways. I swear there's no where my family members don't live at. Just last week, I found out I have a new cousin in New York... and I didn't even knew I had an aunt over there. I sat all of those random thoughts aside and seen a van pull up in the driveway. Since I was still outside beside the car, I decided to see if it was my uncle from Chicago or some random family friend.

"Hola Skylar" my uncle said while getting of the car. I gave him a small smile and went up to give him a hug. I have no idea why and I will probably never understand but if you don't greet people in my family, they get offended. Personally, I really don't care if someone doesn't come up to me to tell me hello. What makes it worse is that you have to greet every single person, and if you don't.... Then you better be ready for someone to go off on you.

"Hello Tio Armando" I said to him while giving him a hug. I turned around and seen my two cousins get out the car along with my aunt. I went up to give them all a hug while my siblings went inside the house with my mom. We headed in too as soon as I was done.

I was greeted by all my family members and when they seen my uncle with the rest of them behind me, they all rushed at them as if they were the next season of Stranger Things.

I went downstairs in the basement with my cousins to catch up on what I've missed over the last two years. "How has it been over here?" my cousin Christopher asked me. "Meh" I answered while shrugging.

"What does that mean?" my other cousin, Emily, said. I just shrugged once more and replied with "it's been fine I guess, I mean... I'm away from all that drama now".

They simply nodded at my response and we started talking about random things such as our favorite foods, arguing about eachother's horrible music taste, explaining weird conspiracy theories, arguing about movies or TV shows, you know... the usual.

We then hit the topic of what happened a while back while I still lived over there. "Why did you ever hang out with them?" Emily asked while looking at me intently. "I honestly have no idea" I said lying through every word. "Well would you ever like to see them again?" Christopher asked while looking down. "Not really, why?" I asked suspiciously.

"We have something to tell you".

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