Your Abilities.

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Every doubt. Every bad thing you've ever done. Every mean phrase that you have told yourself. I want all of my readers to let them go as of right now. I want you to hear out my opinion about you first.

All of you guys are perfect. You all have special talents and abilities, even if you haven't recognized them yet. I'm good with music. My cousin, Tanya, is good at expressing how she feels. My sister, Kayte, is good at gymnastics. My father is good at singing. My grandma is good at cooking. All of these things are talents and/Or abilities. I bet that each of you have a hidden talent or ability that you never noticed before. Here are a few...
-comforting people

All of these are talents or abilities. There are many more that I didn't list, but these were just examples. Not everyone is good at everything. Some people only have one talent or ability. Some have multiple. You have a talent. You have an ability. Go. Find it. Discover what you are good at. Start with the things you love doing. Then work from there. Try and see if you don't have a talent. And don't judge yourself. Just trust that you are good at what you do. Have Faith. I know you guys are special and that you have talents and abilities unlike anything I've ever seen. I'd love to meet my readers personally. But sadly I can't. You guys mean the world to me though. That won't ever change. The people I love and care about are one of the most important things in my life. So Please. Be kind to yourself. And to others. Our purpose as humans, is to help others. If you can't help them, then at least don't hurt them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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