[ two : x ]

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02/01/01 : jihoon's first love
DISCLAIMER: yaLL can bash me all yall want for using hoshi instead of soonyoung but ull see why haha

Just as Jihoon was about to slip out of reality, a howl pierced the air sharply, following by a hard bang from the windows brought down heavily onto the sides of the wall.

His eyes shot open immediately, and a slow, irritated groan escaped his lips.

Winter in Korea was probably the worst thing ever.

And it was all the shutters' fault.

"Ji, close it." Jihoon heard a voice coming from the kitchen, and soon a tickling sensation shot up his chest, annoyed at the fact that Hoshi had somehow repeated the absolute misery they'd have to go through in this old, rickety house. He yelled back with a hint of irritance in his voice.

"I know, you fool!" was his reply, as two small feet tapped against the cold, concrete surface of the floor. He dashed to the window, and slammed the windows shut.

Hoshi didn't retort. He was quite happily used to these replies from Jihoon.

It took a bit of strength, considering Jihoon was a rather short, scrawny boy, but he eventually made the two ends meet and in swift movements, grabbed the lock and shut the window.

Knowing that he wouldn't have to wake up anymore, a satisfied smile surfaced onto his lips as he strolled back, ready to earn a goodnight's rest.

And, very unexpectedly, that happiness didn't last very long.


Jihoon had stepped onto a nail.

"Hey, Ji, are you okay?" Hoshi was quick to respond, footsteps getting louder by the minute as he bolted to their dormitory.

Hot tears slid down Jihoon's pale, snowy cheeks as Hoshi entered the room. He squatted on the floor, gesturing to the crying, limping boy to sit down. Hoshi's palm slowly ringed Jihoon's adorable, cherubic cheeks, and wiped those tiny tears out of sight.

"What's wrong, Ji?" he asked softly, eyes laced with concern and eyebrows raised worriedly. Inside, Jihoon was annoyed. He berated himself for crying, his petite five-year old body for being so, extraordinarily weak, but it hurt too much for him to care.

"H-Here..." Jihoon lifted up his foot tentatively, sniffing as he pointed a finger at the wound and the sharp, metal object that had thrust itself into his soft baby skin. Blood trickled ominously from the wound, and had comfortably oozed out onto a floor in a small, red puddle.

Hoshi's jaw dropped as he saw all this happening. Needless to say, he would have been bawling as well if it were him, let alone Jihoon. "Don't worry, Ji; I can help you. Be a good boy, okay? I'll need to get the nail out first." Hoshi coaxed, treading tentatively on the floor in fear of stepping on a nail himself. Thankfully, he had managed to get to the drawer and fish out a sewing kit before making a safe trip back.

"Hoshi-hyung...I'm scared." Jihoon whimpered softly, once again resenting himself for his weakness. He felt his skin start to bristle at the warm, almost terrifying touch of the older's fingers. It wasn't the touch itself that was really scary. It was the process of getting the nail out that was to fear.

"It'll be okay. You won't be able to see a thing." was all Hoshi said, and before Jihoon could squeeze his eyes shut to brace himself, he felt a sharp, excruciating sting. A sizzle escaped his lips as the pain ebbed out to the other parts of his foot."Hoshi-hyung, it hurts." he whined. Having long dropped his big boy image and succumbing to his instincts, Hoshi's heart immediately twisted into a ball. Sure, Jihoon was hurt, but he was hurting more to see the small, injured boy sad.

"It's okay." was all he managed. Instantly, he felt regret in his heart for his clumsy words.

It wasn't okay at all.

In the blink of an eye, Jihoon's wound was quickly patched up with a small, red "X", as if signifying the end of a treasure hunt. At least, it was finally the end of the gruesome little "surgery" that had been performed on him.

"All done." Hoshi could finally say with a bright, flowery smile, almost proud of his handiwork.

Jihoon looked at the little stitch on his foot, and involuntarily, a smile slowly started to bloom onto his face as well.

Then he did something out of the norm. In milliseconds, he threw his hands around Hoshi's chest area, pulling his partner in crime into a short embrace.

"Don't tell anyone." Jihoon coughed.

Hoshi smiled slowly, though he had no one else to talk to. "I won't."


(soonyoung isnt jihoon's first love)
(the "2nd chapter" to this memory will be out soon!)

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