Magical puns that dont have a cat-egory.

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I told a chemistry joke once. There was no reaction.
I tell bad chemestry jokes cuz all the good ones argon
Math is the most boring person ive ever met. All he talks about is pie《3.1415...》
English only communicates using over the top large words
And me and science had no chemistry.
I learned about electricity yesterday. It was lit.
I cut my finger slicing cheese, but i think i may have grater problems.
My friend's bakery burned down a few days ago. Now his business is toast!
P1: P2, i have a present for you.
P2: wow thanks! ... hey this is just a picture of cheese! Is this a joke?!
P1: thats exactly what it is. Pretty cheesy, right?
I like my candy canes in mint condition.
My friend tells apocalypse puns like there's no tomorrow.
I know a skeleTON of these
I find this humerus
I relish condiment puns
Can you ketchup with me?
Usually i go to subway SUBconsciously!

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