Chapter 4

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"H-Hello Mrs. Choi. I'm H-Heo Hyunjoon, a classmate of Chanhee's." "It's refreshing to see a new face. I can't remember the last time he brought a new friend over." Hyunjoon watched her walk away then looked at Chanhee, who didn't look the slightest bit pleased. "She's nicer than she looks, so don't look so scared." He nodded as Chanhee walked over and sat down next to him. "He's so close. Control your gay tendencies Hyunjoon, we can't have him finding out." he thought as he pinched his thigh.

"So, you haven't had a new friend over since me...?" Chanhee nodded as he took out their Physics textbook from a shelf. "This was during the last year of middle school. We were pretty close friends. I was still getting to know Sangyeon at the time. He told me he was gay and that he liked me. I cut him off completely." Hyunjoon started panicking internally at Chanhee's last two sentences. "Cut him off completely? Like, there's nothing left to remember him by?" Chanhee nodded as he flipped through pages of the textbook. "I should've thrown a bible at him and asked him to repent instead. He was a really good friend. I can't stand two men being all lovey dovey with each other. It's completely against what I've been taught." Hyunjoon didn't know how to respond as he felt Chanhee had just stabbed knives into his body.

"Since we're doing acceleration, why don't we do something with that?" Hyunjoon nodded as he looked over the formula. "Are we going to have a demonstration or just do a display?" "Why is this even a question? Of course we're going to have a demonstration." Chanhee walked to a closet then pulled out materials they would need. "You already had this project planned?" Hyunjoon looked at everything that Chanhee had set before them. "Yeah. I wanted to do it with Sangyeon, but he said he wanted to do something else and by himself. Usually he'd agree to something like this."

Chanhee noticed the glum expression on Hyunjoon's face. "I didn't mean to make it seem like you were second choice. We didn't really know each other until now and I figured this project will help us bond." "I'm sure it will." He subconsciously squeezed Chanhee's thigh then immediately drew back when he heard Chanhee gasp. "I-" "I forgot to buy rubber bands. Do you mind waiting here? I'll be back real quick." Hyunjoon blinked in confusion then realized what had happened. "I'm in the clear...for now. Or maybe he was just faking it." He quietly lifted up the board to write their names on the back when he spotted a bag of rubber bands underneath. "Oh no..." he thought as he bit his bottom lip.

Hyunjoon exited the Choi household then looked around for Chanhee. He spotted him not too far away then ran to catch up to him. "Chanhee!" He soon regretted calling out his name as Chanhee started running. He eventually caught up to him and grabbed his arm. "Why did you leave like that?" He held on tighter as he felt Chanhee trying to wrench his way out of his hold. "Because of you. Do you know how uncomfortable that was? Why'd you go and do that for?" "It's a habit of mine. I do it to all my friends. You can ask Changmin." He let Chanhee go and silence hung over them. "Sorry for freaking out without knowing the facts." Hyunjoon gave him a smile then motioned for Chanhee to walk with him. "So, how do we get back to your place? I think I'll go home now."

Hyunjoon closed the front door behind him and noticed there were high heels on the floor. "So she's still here. I wish I could tell my dad how I feel about her, but he seems happy with her." He entered his room then flopped down onto his bed. "I need to control my emotions better. He almost caught on." He checked his phone and saw he had a few messages. "From Moon🌙: Hey, I'll be in tomorrow. Can't wait to see you both again." He sighed then opened up their abandoned group chat. He removed them from the old one and deleted it then created a new one.

Roomies 🙌
Hwall🐱 has added Moon🌙 and Kyuteness🦒 to the chat


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