Chapter 15

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Sangyeon threw a pillow at Chanhee who in turn threw one back. "We both know you don't actually want to do this." "Says who?" "Says your conscience." Chanhee rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms and legs. "He's going to move soon." Sangyeon noticed that Chanhee had perked up at the news. "He won't come back once he does. I'm sure you don't care. It's better for you, right?" Sangyeon caught Chanhee's brief somber face before it was immediately replaced. "If he wants to leave, then good riddance." "Even now, you continue to stay in denile..." Sangyeon mumbled.

"Are you sure, Mom? Really? Great! Love you, bye!" Kevin gave Hyunjoon a huge smile. "She says you can live here, as long as you help around the house." "That's no problem." "What about your dad? Wouldn't he object to this?" Hyunjoon sighed then snapped a photo of Kevin's art. "I doubt he'd care. All he cares about is work and Hani." "I'm sure your Dad cares about you. You don't make much of an effort to let him either." Hyunjoon gasped at Kevin's statement. "Me? Not give any effort? That's so true. I blame Hani though. She makes me feel bitter and he receives the aftermath." "Either way, I think you should continue to live with your dad. Things might get better." Hyunjoon snapped another photo of Kevin's art then posted it online. "I hope you're right. Otherwise, expect me at your doorstep."

"Chanhee, let's go out." "No." "Why not?" "Because I'm lazy." "That's clearly a lie. You love being outside." Chanhee sighed as he looked out the window in the living room. "You're right. I want to go out. But, what if..." "If you see Hyunjoon?" Chanhee looked at Sangyeon with wide eyes. "Bingo. I thought you didn't care, hm?" "I-I don't. I know I don't..." Sangyeon felt pity for his best friend. He wished that Chanhee would just be honest with himself. "From bestie to bestie, don't let the past repeat itself."


Hyunjoon felt his phone vibrate then start blaring Blood, Sweat and Tears. "Is ya boi." "" Hyunjoon found himself speechless as he checked the caller ID. "Chanhee? Why are you using Sangyeon's phone?" "I want to see you...come over..." "I'm confused. You push me away but now you want me to come to you? I'm not that stupid, Chan." Hyunjoon scoffed as he hung up. He wasn't going to go just to get hurt again. "Though, he didn't seem at all happy. I wonder what's wrong. I'm worrying too much." Hyunjoon thought as he caught up to Kevin.

"So, what do you want to do? Make sure it's not illegal and won't get us arrested." "You really think I'd get us arrested." "Yes." Hyunjoon put a hand to his heart and pretended to be hurt. "Why don't we just eat at a café? You got money right?" They made their way over to the nearby café and found some seats. "Chanhee called me." "What for?" "He said he wanted to see me and come over." Kevin stared blankly at Hyunjoon then popped up. "That's shady. Don't think of going." "I didn't plan to."

Hyunjoon's phone started ringing and he checked the caller ID. "Sup San?" "Well, Chanhee suddenly grabbed his stuff then left. He wouldn't answer me when I asked where he was going." "I haven't seen him. He probably went home." "You think so?" "Yeah, you worry too much. Just kick back and relax." Hyunjoon hung up on Sangyeon and turned to face Kevin. "Sangyeon told me that Chanhee suddenly went home. That's all." "Weird. Why would he call just to talk about that?" Hyunjoon shrugged as they made their way back to Kevin's.


Hyunjoon found himself nearing his home. Kevin somehow convinced him to go back and continue to live with them. "Who in the hell is sitting on our steps? Wait...Chanhee?" he thought as he got closer. "What are you doing here?" Hyunjoon realized how harsh it sounded when he saw Chanhee's face go from bad to worse. "I don't know. I left and I ended up here." Hyunjoon crossed his arms as he observed Chanhee. As hurt and upset that he is, his stupid heart still beat wildly for Chanhee. "Why did you ha-" Hyunjoon heard his phone ringing and quickly answered without checking the caller ID.

"Is ya boi. Who's calling?" Hyunjoon immediately changed his tone as the voice spoke. "Okay. Fine. I'll be there." Hyunjoon hung up as he started walking towards school. "J...Hyunjoon." He turned around and noticed Chanhee seemed to be nervous. "Can I go with you...?" "As much as I should be saying no, you can. Just don't get in the way." Chanhee quietly walked next to him as they walked to school.

Hyunjoon stopped at the door then took out the key to open it. He walked onto the roof and saw Changmin sitting on the ledge. "Changmin, I'm here." He approached Changmin then sat near him, but not on the ledge. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill myself. Just wanted to talk." "Make it quick." Changmin sighed as moved off the ledge and sat next to Hyunjoon. "I really did mean it when I said I did it for you. Remember when you really needed money to help your dad that one time and I pulled through? Well, I borrowed from someone and now I'm paying him more than just cash." Hyunjoon clicked his tongue as he searched Changmin's face for any sign of dishonesty.

"I borrowed from Juyeon. You know his family is loaded." "Chang!" Hyunjoon hit Changmin square in the face then hovered over him. "Why would you do something stupid like that? What could Juyeon do that you had no choice but to go along with what he wanted?" "I'm sorry, Joon. I just wanted to be of use to you then." Hyunjoon noticed Changmin was crying, which was always a rare sight. "Changmin..." Hyunjoon pulled Changmin into a hug then started to pat his back.

The duo were unaware of Chanhee who watched on in confusion as he couldn't hear what was said. He walked over to them and cleared his throat, trying to make his presence known. "Chanhee?" the duo had said in unison. "Yeah...?" Changmin looked at him with sorrowful eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your friendship with Joon here. It was all Juyeon's idea." Hyunjoon had let go of Changmin in surprise. "Don't stop being friends with him just because of his preference. You can't deny how happy this guy made you." Chanhee looked at Changmin before resting his gaze on Hyunjoon.

"Are you sure this time?" Hyunjoon asked as he looked at Chanhee with tears stinging his eyes. Chanhee simply nodded.

a/n: don't forget to vote, share and comment! what do you think chanhee's answer was

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